Monday, February 6, 2012

52 Weeks

52 weeks old! And by the expression here, he looks very glad to see that these weekly photos are coming to an end. Oh, don't you worry though, Maximus. You aren't quite off the hook. I'm still planning on continuing this for your "monthly" photos, for the next year. :)

I've said it before, but it's so crazy how much can happen in a week. He is recognizing so many words and is pointing to a lot of things. He gets super excited when we go to the garage. He calls it, "gu" as in gum. And will start to say it even before we get to the door. He's saying other words as well, like "ball" but oftentimes just says, "bu" as in bun. Other words, such as good, boy, light, & car, he'll sound out the first letter. 

A few days ago, he was sitting on Rob's lap and we were feeding him bites of chicken. He started pointing to the chicken, basically telling us that he wanted more. It was SO exciting to me to see how he was communicating this with us! When it comes to eating, he is pretty independent at times and wants to feed himself. He's even started feeding us food. A couple days ago, he fed me banana. It was the sweetest thing. And he seemed to think it was pretty funny.

Saturday we had a birthday party for him, and it was a lot of fun. Let's just say that he was not the least bit shy about getting his hands on that cake of his. I will post some pictures this week for those of you who haven't seen them on facebook.

Tomorrow is his actual birthday. He was born at 3:19 am. It was about this time of night that I was getting an epidural. And thank goodness for that! Labor was not easy for me. 

Today I took Maximus shopping and bought him some balloons, which he was excited about. I also picked up a few things and wrapped them for him. That's one benefit of buying for him at this age. He doesn't know the difference, so I was able to get all of this done in front of them. I even decided to wrap one of the sippy cups that I bought for him today. 

Tomorrow should be pretty kick back. I'm hoping to try and get his hand print on canvas. We'll see how that goes. 

Hope you all have a great week!

Happy day!

1 comment:

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! He is growing UP UP UP and he knows it! Look at him reach for the sky!!! I was just over at BELGIAN PEARLS where Greet shares pictures of her 16 year old boy as he was growing up. Oh how hard it must be to see your baby boy grow up. LOVE MAXIMUS and he will always remain to me, a baby boy and his chicken. teeeheee
