Thursday, April 19, 2012

Train Wreck

"Hmmm...this looks interesting."

"Hey, Maximus. What's up with that yellow vehicle?"

"Oh, that's my train, Kooky. Would you like to go for a ride?"

"I'm not sure. Are you giving me a choice, Maximus?"

"You'll be JUST fine, Kooky. Don't you worry."
"Come with me!"
"Ohhhh Kooky...Come on! I don't have all day..."
"Here...You can sit in front."
"Hold tight!"
"Hold on to WHAT, Maximus?"
"Somebody...SAVE ME!!!"
"Woah! Brace yourself, Kooky!"
"Maximus...Don't ever ask me to go on another train with YOU...EVER...AGAIN!"

"I should have known better than to take a chicken for a ride."

Have a great weekend!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I AM HOWLING RIGHT NOW......perfect look on Kooky's face and ON MAXIMUS's face and the scenario? PRICELESS!!!!!!! Dear one, thank you for visiting. Gotta run, Anita

Shirley said...

Love it!!!

moosic mom said...

When is the children's book coming out??? You are soooooo creative!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I SOOOOOOOOOOOO love this post.

Oh dearest, I am planning to stay HOME and PLAN my next ATTACK on the local art studios and shops to sell my wares. I just got an Etsy convo this morning from a shop here in town that is interested in selling my CARDS!!!!!! WHOOPIE!!!!!!!

Have a glorious day. Anita

Martina said...

OMG, Heidi, this is just GREAT! Soooooooooo sweet these pix and little story! Love for a happy weekend!