Saturday, January 26, 2013

23 Months

First off, I wanted to thank all of you for the congrats and sweet comments on my last post. I hope to keep a good record of this next little one, as much as I have with M. Let's hope I have the time and energy. haha...
Maximus turned 23 months on the 7th of this month. Needless to say, I'm a little late in getting this posted. I can't believe that in less than two weeks he'll be 2 years old!
His language is exploding - he's learning so many new words. Some of the things he says really surprise us. It's a really fun age. Here's some of the stuff he's been saying:
people, heart, all done, all gone
coohk = cook (one day he pulled open a kitchen drawer, pulled out the oven mit, put it on and said, coohk).
whap = wrap (he learned this word around Christmas time).
peek = pick (he'll say, "peek up" if he wants you to pick him up).
coke = coat
weed or weed-ah = weird (apparently I say this word a lot).
cap = cap (he loves containers and things with lids/caps and wants to hold them).
buba = bubble
add-ah = ads (he goes nuts when the circular ads come in the mail. He'll yell, "add-ah" and head on over to the couch so we can look at them and pass them back and forth).
ween = wind
taow = towel
duty = dirty
tube-ah = youtube (he loves watching things on youtube and will say, "tube-ah").
ee-moe = oatmeal
hoat = hold (he's always asking to hold things and also says this when he wants to be held).
rock you or rocky you = he wants you to rock him. (He says this a lot before bed. Sometimes we hear him saying/crying it when he wakes up. If he hears a baby somewhere crying. He'll say, "nigh nigh...rock you").
taw = straw
ope = open
een or een-ah = in
dean or dean-ah = jeans
dammie = jammies
bread or bread-ah = bread
tiny = he started saying this one day when he was eating blueberries.
bean or bean-ah = bean (this is a word that Rob was trying to get him to say for over a year now...haha)
low-goak = yogurt (this is probably his favorite food these days).
tee tee = TV
moo-gick = music (still loves it)!
new one = he's been getting in his dresser drawer to get "one" of his blankies and now he calls them "new one" most of the time.
logo = he'll recognize logos on objects and will say logo.
tappy = strawberry
pete = peach
come you or comey you = he wants you to come with him. I adore this phrase.
key boar = keyboard
bud-ah = butter (reminds me of someone from Boston).
be-you = teddy bear. Sometimes he'll say teddy.
cal-ca-lu = calculator (sometimes referred to as cal-key-lu).
cop-oh = couple
hokey = okay
pee-tee = pretty
hap you = help you (if he wants your help or wants to help you, he says this).
dat = dance (he begs to dance. It's really cute, he's even pretty good at signing dance).
poon = spoon
mut = mush
keem = cream
go be = good boy
tun-ah = tunnel
This guy keeps us busy and makes us laugh. He's such a blessing.
Happy day!


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

There is that sweet little face!
You know, your blog is going to be such a detailed and enjoyable record of his growth.. How wonderful!
Enjoy your weekend.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my goodness....almost TWO? NO WAY...that means WE are on the same continuum as he is and I refuse to accept I am advancing too! teehee

HIS LANGUAGE IS EXPLODING! Oh my Heidi, and you have the joy of another one coming...will you be seeking to know the gender? LET US KNOW!

My dear friend, it is so good to see you and Max back on track. LOVE! Anita

Karena said...

Heidi, your little one is so adorable and yes he is learning very fast!! Take good care!

I remember the days!

New 2013 Artists Series

Marianne said...

So cute & love the little dictionary! Awesome.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello my dear one!

It was so sweet to see your comment this morning and I am having fun with my illustrations. I think I might come up with another one today IF I have time!

I hope you are feeling well and that you are getting the naps you so need for this next year of bliss and expectation!!!!!!!! WE ARE ALL WAITING for the big event! Anita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

How kind of you to come over for a visit Heidi... I am so happpy you enjoyed the bunnies, thank you for your sweet note.
Give that little one a big hug!

renae said...

My Heidi, my Heidi, my Heidi!!! I missed this post. I don't know how that happened. urgrgh. Oh to hear all of these little languages of M is so CU UU T E!!! When I read Mut for Mush, it reminded me of my brother M, when he was a child. Story per my Mom because I am the youngest kid and he was the oldest. But he said "Pow-ff" for mush. Now how you get "Pow-ff" out of mush is beyond me but our family has termed Mush = Pow-ff all of our lives.

Thank you for sharing M's developmental stages as he gets so near to his hallmark #2!!!!

I hope you are feeling good, too. I was just fine on my second daughter. I was green and sick on my first daughter. I loved the pregnancy of both because of the joy but didn't like being sick the first time out. ♥ ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

And now you're making me cry...a good cry though. :) Sigh...enjoy it all, mom.
He's so adorable I wish I could go through the computer and squeeze him. :)

moosic mom said...

So sweet. Such a precious little boy!

moosic mom said...

He is such a smart, sweet little guy. He sure can speak plainly. Like when he was going to have some milk...he said, 'almond.' Yes, it was almond milk. Very active, inquisitive, and he has a strong voice, too. We love him!