Saturday, March 9, 2013

These Boots are SO Cool!

Last weekend, Rob's parents gave Maximus these adorable fireman rubber boots. When we got home from their house he wore them for a couple hours over his footed sleeper/jammies.
  They also gave him this cool umbrella that goes along with the boots.

It goes without saying that he has been enjoying the box they came in just about as much as anything else.

Now, we just need a good day of rain and for Maximus to be over his cold and he'll be able to have some fun splashing in the puddles.

Happy day!


renae said...

hahahahahaha, Heidi, that is so cute. I could hear YOUR voice. You sound how I thought you would. Cool. I love that he hugs those boots so much. I have felt yuck for a few days so I am here on the computer tonight because it doesn't take a ton of energy to type and move a mouse, huh?

I'm glad I got to see this right now. Happy Sunday tomorrow and DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME IS BACK - YAY!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

This little man LOVES HIS BOOT! teeeheeeee....see how many times he took his boots out of the boxes and clutched them to his little chest? Oh dear, what a darling little man.

Heidi! He is growing so much and to see him and hear him is an extra treat! Please take some pictures of him modeling those boots....these boots are made for WALKING! WOO!

Happy Sunday my dear. Anita

Marianne said...

Oh I just melted! And atta boy on lovin' some fire boots!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teehee...this guy and his boot; he reminds me of when TEA RAT got his first pair!

THANKS HEIDI for stopping by my post. Soon I hope to writing about the FLOWERS! We are getting so much melting and let me tell ya, it is a sweet moment to see that winter is saying goodbye!

Have a super day, Anita

renae said...

hi Heidi! Now don't be putting ideas in my head. (I should to a video, like on how I find my thrifty deals, huh?) hahahaha.

Awh, don't cha just hate it when you post a comment in duplicate? You are so fun!!!!!

Hug M for me, okay?

Ann said...

He looks absolutely adorable in that cute boots and jammies.

renae said...

yes, Heidi! I am feeling back to normal today. I went to my Cub Scouts and was fine. I felt better yesterday but didn't venture out then just to make sure I was 'all the way' better.

Oh, I hope I am the fav to my grandkids. My oldest granddaughter is so sweet. She is now 10 and gives me the best hugs. (all my grands do) I remember when she was 6 and had a birthday party at her home and I was there, she said, "that's my Grandma and I Love her." That's the best EVER!!! :D

Palomasea said...

I can't stand it!!! SO SWEET!!! :)))
The way he pats that little boot....oh my goodness!! Please give M a big squeeze from me, dear Heidi!
And you are feeling better?
Sending love,
- Irina

Palomasea said...

Good evening, dear Heidi!
First of all, sending healing wishes for all to get better soon!
(And I just had to show my daughter the video...oh, you should have seen her face! Maximus is a JOY!)
I know what you mean about blogger...this is a big reason why I have not been visiting that often...I cannot get into comments...)
But thank you so much for stopping by, sweet friend...
Be well and take care...
- Irina

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dear one! Thank you for coming over to visit. BLogland seems to be very quiet these days, but it is always so good to see you drop by! How are these little boots doing? I bet they can't even keep up with Mr. M.'s steps!!!!!!!

Hugs dear one, Anita