Monday, November 29, 2010

Let it Snow!

Oh how I love SNOW!
I really hope we get a lot of of this white stuff soon!

I know some of you don't like it,


I do!

Here's to a season of LOTS of snow!

Happy day!


moosic mom said...

I love snow too as long as my family is safe. And the miracle of each snow flake being different.......only God can do that!

Shirley said...

I love the picture of the gold ornament - there are little hearts at the very top of the ornament (on the hangar part).
Love the snow!

Run26.2Mom said...

There is nothing like the awe in a child's face when they first see snow!
Once I was working with a child from coastal Central America after he came to the states for surgery and he had never seen snow. We lived in the deep south at the time where sticking snowfall was rare. During his stay, it snowed 4 inches! His excitement I will never forget!