Friday, October 8, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I'm now at the 5 month mark! Only 18 more weeks to go. It's hard to believe that I'm going to have a baby, but all I have to do is look down at my belly and see the reminder. hee hee...

Remember way back when? I said that we weren't going to find out the sex of the baby? Well, Rob changed his mind and really wanted to know...and he finally convinced me to find out. I'm so glad that we did!

You think I'm gonna tell you?


a few of you know already...

but for those who don't...

It's gonna be a BOY!!!


We're going to name him Maximus.

We found out about a month ago. It was so fun to see the ultrasound and how active he was. He was doing summersaults & all sorts of acrobatics. Because of this, the technician said it was really easy for her to get all of the measurements. In my mind, I kept thinking it was going to be a girl. Rob was pretty insistent that it was going to be a boy. So, when I heard the news, it took a bit for it to sink in that we are going to have a little guy...but I couldn't be happier. The biggest blessing is that everything looks great - he's healthy and right on track. I really couldn't ask for anything more.

Before we found out the gender, I started making a bassinet skirt. Oh...back parents gave us the bassinet that I slept in as a baby. My 3 brothers used it too. I bought some fabric that I thought would be pretty gender neutral, but when I got it home, Rob convinced me that the fabric would make beautiful pillows for our loveseat & chair, so we needed to find something else for the bassinet. I also purchased a small amount of yardage that had some little monkey faces on it. I wanted to use this as an accent. Rob had the brilliant idea to use a solid brown as the base and suggested that we use some old sheets that we had. It worked out great.

Later I added a ruffle to the top. I didn't want to go to foo foo...but it needed a little somethin' extra. I debated about sewing buttons and ribbon onto the skirt, but finally decided to use some bows that were from my best friend, Shirley's wedding dress. She took the bows off when she purchased the dress and I have saved them for all these years, just knowing that someday they would be put to good use.

So here it's simple, but I like it...
I didn't even have to hem the bottom of this - I just used an old flat sheet. It was already hemmed and finished.
The inside quilted portion my Mom had made when my nephew was born and used the bassinet. She sewed velcro to the fabric, so I was able to attach the skirt to the white fabric. I made a fitted sheet to go over the mattress...and the cute little monkey was given to me by a good friend.
Here are the bows - aren't they sweet? I attached them with safety pins.
Maximus will sleep in our bedroom, until it's time for him to move into a crib in the nursery. I love how close he will be to my side of the bed.
When I found out it was going to be a boy, I painted this little sign. That's how we ended up telling our parents the gender...they got to see the sign.

I am happy with how everything worked out. We were able to get the bassinet from my parents, LaLa (Rob's Mom) gave us those brown sheets years back. They were always my favorite. And the bows were from my best friend. So, it's both sentimental and practical. I love being able to re-use things.

I'm excited that I finally got to share this with you. We still have lots of work to do in the nursery. We need to find a crib, dresser and some other items, but we still have some time.

A couple things...
His name will be Maximus. I might call him Max or Maxi for short, but he'll be introduced and known as Maximus. Rob is insistent on this. (~smile~) And, of course, grandparents have the right to call him what they want. But, I imagine that a lot of people will call him Max. I don't think that there's much way of getting around this.

We like the monkey fabric and stuffed animal for the bassinet, but we're not really using this as our "main theme." It's cute, but we don't want it to become all about monkeys.

Okay...thanks for letting me share our exciting news with you. I hope you have a great weekend!

Happy day!

check out my other blog @ Proverbs for Every Day


Design Apprentice said...

Heidi You have an amazing gift! The bassinet looks flawless, Max is going to have the sweetest bedding made with such love and put together with pieces from different love ones, I love that! I'm so happy for you and just know you're going to make an incredible mama!

Anonymous said...

You are seriously one talented crafty gal! I had no idea you had these remarkable skills. :-) Great job on the bassinette. It looks wonderful. And what an adorable sign. Did you freehand the letters, or did you have a stencil?

Shirley said...

Adorable!!! I LOVE it! So glad you mentioned that monkeys aren't your theme! Love the sign, too.

And ... we need an updated picture of your bump, girl!

If you call him Maxi ... you may want to spell it Maxy :)

hi-d said...

Katie - Thank you!!! And I'm glad you like everything. Thanks for your sweet comments.

Dawn -'re very kind. For the sign, I printed out a font that I liked and then traced it on the wood and painted the letters. I took some pics of the process, so I may blog about it. :)

Shirley - Don't you love the bows??? Thank you for them! I know...I need to get an updated bump picture - I feel huge though. LOL...I was thinking of Maxi for short because of the spelling of his name - Maximus (with an i, not a y)...Does that spelling remind you of something else? Oh, the perfect payback to Rob. (just kidding)...Think of it as Taxi...Maxi...

Moosic Mom said...

The bassinette looks even better in person! Heid, you are so creative. Please show the pretty pillows you made with that other fabric. It is all so co-ordinated and in good taste. You can sew things for a little boy, too.
We are proud of you!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Go team blue! That bassinet is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So Happy for the two... er... three of you! Love what you did to the bassinet! You are so talented girl! And I really, really like his name. Boy babies are awesome! :)

hi-d said...

Thanks, Mom...he's looking forward to meeting you!

Kristin - Yay for boys, huh? I'm super excited!

Haffnewie (hi-d) - Thank you...I'm glad you like his name. :)

Amy said...

You are so creative! The bassinet and the sign are both great. I love the little monkey accents too.

Amy said...

You are so creative! The bassinet and the sign are both great. I love the little monkey accents too.

Run26.2Mom said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I can't wait to hear all the wonderful stories starring Maximus. What a great name!

Love the bassinet! You are so talented.