Monday, January 23, 2012

50 Weeks

Maximus' favorite things lately could be summed up in three words...


Okay, forget the scissors part...

Since a tiny baby, he has always LOVED movement. Music is a BIG part of our lives. We usually have something playing in the background. I love dancing with him and Rob (the drummer) likes to jam out with him. It's so cute to see Maximus' legs and arms moving. When he's sitting on the floor he'll rock back and forth or bounce up and down, oftentimes in beat with the music. He'll sing along, adding his own spin of lyrics such as: la-la-la-la or bop-bop-bop-bop, duh-duh-duh-duh and an occasional gleeful "SCREAM." In church he really gets going as well.

When one of us is rocking him in the chair, he'll sit on our lap and rock along. And when he's in his swing, he's also helping that along by moving his body side to side or back and forth. He gets the swing going so fast that we have to turn it way down.

When it comes to paper, this guy is OBSESSED with it. It can be any form of paper - boxes, mail, books, magazines...the list goes on. I've started to give in more and let him have at it, with magazines. He loves ripping them, crumpling them up and waving them in the air. A really funny thing that he’s been doing is taking a scrap of paper and crawling over to our paper shredder. I realized the other day what he was doing. He's seen us use the shredder, so he is trying to put paper in there himself. It’s really cute to watch this, but we’ve had to turn the shredder off to protect those little fingers of his. It really makes you think - these little ones are watching and trying to mimic every move we make!

I hope all of you had a good weekend.

Happy day!


Moosic Mom said...

50 weeks young! What a sweet boy! maybe he will work in a paper mill! He may even become a writer. You are such a good writer. So, there you go! :)
Music comes to him naturally, that is for sure.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HEIDI...............UNBELIEVABLE!! Look at him stretch those dancin' limbs!!! HE IS BEAUTIFUL MY FRIEND!! Then, soon you will be showing us videos of him walking and dancing and chasing birds and such! KEEP HAVING FUN DEAREST! Anita

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

He is so absolutely adorable...that little hair is getting so long and cute! I definitely love that he is a fan of dancing...something I'm sure he will appreciate when he gets older!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Oh, I am not done with report cards yet and for the first time in NINE YEARS, I brought work home. There is so much more to do now with 52 essays to read!

THANK YOU FOR COMING BY TODAY DEAR ONE! Have a happy evening! Anita

Run26.2Mom said...

What a cutie! Weebok needs to say Hello to Maximus. Actually she has looked at your blog with me on my lap and says Awww.....Baby, isn't he cute mama. :)