Thursday, August 26, 2010

ER or Jewelry Store?

We'd all choose going to a Jewelry Store over the Emergency Room. It's kind of a no-brainer, huh?

Well, that's what I did yesterday. After a lot of (prodding) encouragement from Rob, I called the Dr. to find out what to do about my wedding ring. It was not coming off my finger, not that I wanted to take it off; but being pregnant, my fingers have swollen. Or maybe they've just gotten fatter! ha ha...I could still spin my ring around my finger where it sat, but other than that, it wasn't going anywhere! I wasn't too concerned, but finally gave in and made the call. The nurse said that they don't remove rings there. I would have to go to either the Emergency Room or a Jewelry Store. So, I called Fred Meyer Jewelers and they said to come on in - they remove rings for free!

I have to say, it was kind of sad to see my ring cut in two! And, believe me...I tried about every trick in the book: soap & water, lotion, olive oil, window cleaner, tape around the finger, dental floss, ice and more ice!

I gave it one last college try yesterday, icing my finger. It was a "No go"...The tip of it is still numb today. I hope I don't have frostbite. haha...

Okay...lesson learned. I'm just thankful that they were able to get it off my finger.

Other than that, I'm doing well. I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I go in for another appointment & ultrasound mid September. Things are looking good!

Happy day!


Shirley said...

OH NO! I am so sorry that you had to have it cut off, but you are right - at least they were able to get it off. I remember another trip to the dr to get a ring off ... do you remember that? :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your ring had to be cut off. Now what are you going to do? Can the ring be salvaged at this point?

hi-d said...

Shirl - Yes...I do remember that!!! In fact I was talking about that incident recently, because I was obviously reminded of that. ha ha...but when we got to the ER that day, I went in the bathroom and was able to get the ring off myself. Remember Tom? He didn't get the whole thing about one's hands swelling in the morning. LOL...

Dawn - Yes...thank goodness the ring can be salvaged and the diamonds stayed intact.It's just a matter of them resizing it...but I'll be waiting until a bit after I have the baby. It shouldn't be too expensive to do it either. It depends on the ring, thickness, etc..starting at $29.99.

Run26.2Mom said...

I am so glad that you were able to get your ring off...what an adventure. You had to be so brave as they took it off at the jewelry store. Yikes.
The swelling is wonderful isn't it? But worth it :)

Design Apprentice said...

Heidi, I'm so sorry they had to cut off your ring! I'm happy none of the stones or anything were effected though, what a relief. And all for your precious baby in the end. I can't believe you're 4 months, that is such wonderful news for you and Rob. So so happy for you both.