Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Coolest Thing Since Sliced Bread.....(well, maybe)

Do you find it annoying when you go to grab that roll of plastic wrap or aluminum foil and the stupid roll falls out, rolling onto the floor?? Well, have I got a solution for you!

Thanks to my Mom, who sent me an email several weeks back, I found a fix for this! The email was about these clever little thing-a-ma-jigs on the ends of the box that you punch in, to keep the roll secure and in place. Who even knew that these were ever there? The below picture shows the underside of a plastic wrap box. There are instructions for these things. Imagine that? Apparently I don't read every square inch of the things I buy. Do this to both ends of the box. It's a good way to punch out your aggressions!

I love diagrams that show you how to do things. I'm a visual person.

Voilà! Here's the end result. No more chasing those pesky rolls across the spotless floor that you just swept, mopped and waxed. (yeah, right).....

I haven't found these clever things on the wax paper that I buy. I'm not sure if that's true with all brands. Usually I buy whatever is on sale or the cheapest.

Hopefully this is a handy dandy tid bit that you can use...Or, maybe you knew this already....(smarty pants!!!)

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