Friday, June 19, 2009

Uh, Oh....maybe that's what happened to Fred!

Last night, Rob and I were on the computer and had the sliding glass door to the patio open. Thank goodness we have a screen door! All of a sudden we heard a loud noise and a ruffle of feathers. This huge beast looking thing came down from the sky. Nope, it wasn't Fred or Myrtle. It wasn't a plane or Superman either. It was a bird that I've never seen close up in person.

Rob said it was a Chicken Hawk. I looked it up online and to be more precise, he identified it as a Cooper's Hawk.

Today I didn't see Myrtle all day long. I was so worried that the Hawk may have attacked her, but Rob said he saw her later in the day. Yay! I'm still not sure what's up with her. Maybe she just had a bad day.

LaLa, you may be right, she might be out looking for an Attorney. Thanks, Mom on the idea to call The Backyard Bird Shop. I may do that tomorrow. Also I haven't seen any chimps yet, Dawn, so I guess Mrs. Audobon is a better name. Rob was just being silly. Ha, ha....

The story will be continued...

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Any sightings of Fred or Myrtle? :)