Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is going on with Myrtle?

Fred & Myrtle have been visiting us for several years now it seems. They typically come together and will sit on our patio eating the bird seed that has fallen to the ground. Lately, it appears that Fred is nowhere to be found and Myrtle is acting a little strange.

Yesterday Myrtle was on the porch almost the entire day. She looked all "puffed" up. It was hard to tell if she was injured or maybe, she is pregnant? I wish I would have taken some pictures yesterday...

I looked on the Internet and tried to find out a little more about Mourning Doves. They are typically monogamous and if the female is pregnant, the male will help her build a nest. I don't see a nest and I don't see Fred. So, I found a box and pulled apart some cotton balls to line the box for her. She also has a little container filled with water next to her box. She's been super close to the box, but I don't think she's gone in it yet.

Rob is calling me Jane Goodall now. I want to know what the deal is with her. Is she pregnant? Where is Fred? Did they get in a fight? Hmmm.....Any ideas, please let me know.

Myrtle on the railing...

On the patio....messy birdseed, but she's eating it!

There's her little container of water. We have a bird bath, but I don't think she's drinking out of it.

There's the box in the corner....kind of sheltered. Jump in, MYRTLE!!!

I'll keep you posted on what's happening with her.


Anonymous said...

She looks so perplexed!! I can't imagine what is wrong unless she is sick or Fred left her. She better get a good attorney!!


Moosic Moon said...

Call the Backyard Bird Store and they will know for sure about this bird. Maybe they had a fight and she took off and he is just too stubborn to say "sorry."
It sure is nice of you to come to Myrtle's rescue. I hope she hops into the box. Would be special for sure!

Anonymous said...

Um, you do realize that Jane Goodall lived with "chimps" right? Perhaps "Mrs. Audobon" would be more appropriate. :-)