Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kooky Tuesday

It's late in the day, but I didn't want to let a Tuesday go by without doing a 'Kooky Tuesday' post.

So, you know the old saying/question ~ "Why did the Chicken cross the road?" The typical response is: "To get to the other side." Well, Kooky has another theory...he is tired of all the other people/animals, etc. having their own street signs...

Enough is enough! He is protesting and wants his own sign saying, "SLOW ~ Chickens Playing!"

(Just a little footnote...didn't notice the bird pooh until after uploading the picture...no worries though, Kooky Chicken was given a bath with an antibacterial wipe.)

Happy day!


Moosic Mom said...

Cute Kook! Cute Heidi, too! ;)

Run26.2Mom said...

Too funny! I love Kooky!
I think you are the only follower of my blog. LOL. Thank you for appreciating silliness. Life is good. Have a fun day.

Iva Messy said...

LOL!! Too cute and funny!!