Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Eggs

I've been looking at different ways you can decorate eggs. The other day, I read a post on this very cool blog called How about orange... This gal is so creative and always has fun & interesting things on her site. She referenced a collection of egg-decorating techniques on Martha Stewart's website.

So, I made my humble attempt to try one of these techniques. I blew out some eggs and used scrapbook paper along with glue/water to create these. Well, I can tell you they didn't turn out even close to the beautiful eggs on Martha's site...I think part of the reason is that I was supposed to use origami paper. Oops...oh well...I had fun doing it anyhow.

I had some paper that had these adorable little birdies on them, so I cut them out and used them to go into one of the partially broken eggs. Rob is the blue one and I'm the orange one.


Happy day!


Iva Messy said...

these are so cute!!

Amy said...

I think you did a great job! So cute with the two birds in the half of egg! Hope you had a great Easter! Hope you have a great week!