Monday, February 28, 2011

February Snow Storm

When we get even a trace of snow around here, it's an "EVENT!" The city practically shuts down. Most kids are elated when they hear the joyous news that school has been cancelled, (even if there isn't enough snow to make a decent snowman or slide down a hill.)

Prior to the "big storm," their is a mass exodus to the grocery store. Where everyone stocks up on on the essentials. About the only thing you'll find on TV are non-stop weather reports and endless newscasts showing the treacherous road conditions.

I'm sure it's comical or perhaps even down right frustrating to people who have not grown up in this area, where they are use to getting feet of snow. Yes...that's right...FEET. We get anything that appears to be a white flake falling from the sky and watch's like, "The Sky is Falling..."

Despite all the hoop-la and over-dramatization that occurs, I love every minute of it. Last week we got a taste of it. Normally I would venture outside when it snows, but having a newborn, I thought it was wisest to stay indoors. I did take a couple photos, however, through the sliding glass door looking onto our porch.

About an inch of snow
Herman looks a little cold...

Rob sent me some pictures that day at his work. It looks like they got more there than we did at home.

Rob's Mom, LaLa, also took some photos at her house and emailed them to me. I'm so jealous...she definitely got way more than we did.

View out their upstairs window

What about you? I know most of the country has been bombarded with snow this season. Do you embrace those storms when they happen, or are you looking forward to Spring?

Happy day!


Moosic Mom said...

I too love the snow and am disappointed when they build us up to having 7" become a possibility. I love LaLa's snow pictures. The dogs are adorable. She has an eye for design, that's for sure! The most exciting thing we have here are the four deer that think this is "home" and when I yell at them through the lifted window, they just look at! My brother Dave has arborvitae and the deer have totally stripped those bushes. Discouraging when you want your place to be adorned with shrubs, flowers, and the like. No use planting a would be lunch for the deer!

Shirley said...

Beautiful pictures! We have had great weather - it was 79 today :)

Timmy is SO incredibly cute - what an adorable little fluff ball!

Run26.2Mom said...

I always enjoy your photos. You live in a beautiful area. I love snow before the holidays. The thought of skiing and a White Christmas makes me so happy. The past two years it has snowed on Christmas Eve. Then comes January and February, my excitement dwindles. March 2 with snow forecasted over the weekend, I really have no excitement left. However, I know March snows melt fast. That is a silver lining!
Can you tell I love weather :)