Monday, June 27, 2011

20 Weeks

Happy 20 weeks!

Here's a little synopsis on Maximus these days...
He LOVES his swing and that's his primary place that he sleeps. The longest he's slept in his crib at one time is 2 hours; however, he does well dozing off in the car carrier/seat when I take him shopping.
He's not sleeping through the night, but when he does wake to nurse he goes back to sleep real fast.
He has moments where he talks a lot and is pretty vocal with his sighs and yawns. He does this dramatic, 'aaaahhhhhhuuuum' sound...(like 'hey, I'm bored!')
When he gets laughing good, he'll squeal.
He nurses every 2-3 hours and naps are usually 45 minutes long.
We have a sound machine that plays different sounds/white noise and it helps him sleep and stay asleep. In the car if he's crying, we turn it to static and that usually does the trick. He also loves listening to Journey. Maybe it's because Rob played it a ton when I was pregnant.
When he's super inconsolable, the vacuum cleaner is his best friend or we'll listen to Michael Bublé's version of, "Feeling Good." I'll look it up on youtube, the live version with David Foster and I'll play it for him. It's like a magic pill. ha!
The Max Man is also rolling over a lot. We'll put him on his tummy and if his arms are out in front of him, he rolls immediately to the right.
He likes reaching for things. And whatever he gets a hold of, goes towards his mouth. He likes lying on his play mat and reaching up at the different toys hanging above. When he can't get them, he tends to get a little frustrated at times. I would too! :)
Bath time is one of his favorite things. I think he's going to be a good swimmer.
He also enjoys looking outside and being outdoors. I like taking him for walks in the baby jogger around the neighborhood.
He can be both independent and cuddly. I kiss him about 200 times a day.
Maximus and his Papa adore each other. It's so fun to watch the two of them together. It melts my heart. I have to say that I am pretty blessed! Rob is such an amazing support! He loves spending time with Maximus and is always offering to pick up food, go to the grocery store or help with anything else.

I am one happy girl!

I hope you all have a lovely week!
Happy day!


Martina said...

Such a sweet family you have Heidi, little Maximus made the right choice ;) Enjoy every minute, before you know it he'll be walking!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh this little man is growing up SO FAST! What a wonderful photo journal for him and HIS WIFE AND KIDS to look at when he is older dearest! THANK YOU HI-DI for your visits; it is always a pleasure to come visit you and the MAX MAN; it is difficult to follow all the posts, but when I come here, I know I am welcomed by the most darling little boy. BLessings to you, Anita

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

That is totally hilarious about the Michael Buble...the kid has taste already! (c: And I love that his hair is getting so long!

Nikki said...

That hair is too much! Love your list, what a great way to remember all the details.

Christmas-etc... said...

What a lovely lovely child! And such a special time in your life! Oh... enjoy every moment!! (And have you tired the bathroom as a place of enjoyment for him? My first born loved the fan in the brightly lit bathroom and would sit in there on her stroller happily for well, long enough for me to do the picking up and dishes!)
Many blessings!