Monday, September 26, 2011

33 Weeks

I love...
being involved with whatever is going on. If my Mom is folding laundry or ironing, I love to watch. And when Papa is fixing stuff around the house, I am fascinated by what he is doing.
I also enjoy playing with my toys - especially ones that have rattles, I LOVE music...Mama plays big band & vocal standards a lot and I listen to smooth jazz in my room on the ipod. And of course, you know that my Papa played Journey all the time when Mama was pregnant. So, I enjoy listening to that in the car. Oh, and when I'm really in a fit, Michael Bublé calms me down, or even static on the radio. My Mama also sings songs to me all the time, such as: Jesus Loves Me, My God is So Great, The Wise Man Built is House Upon the Rock, and even a made up song.

Papa is MY hero. I love him SO much! We like to rough house and laugh. Mama will oftentimes remind him that it's time for me to go to bed and to not get me all riled up, but I will ALWAYS remember the fun times with my Papa...and how he makes me want to grow up to be a strong, loyal & generous, just like him.

On the note of sleep. I take short naps. Most of them are about 45 minutes long and Mama likes me to take 3 a day. Sleeping at night is over-rated. I prefer waking up every 3 hours or so. What can I say?? I'm thirsty for milk! And before the crack of dawn, I'm up...5:30 am is usually the time. My Mama doesn't understand why I get up SO early, but it's because I want to see Papa before he goes to work.

I love lights. The kitchen and bathroom are some of my favorite places to sit in my little bouncy chair. Speaking of my bouncy chair. I can really get that thing going up and down. I kick my legs up and down and just about bottom out the seat. I really get going when Mama starts acting goofy or dances around.

Give me a blanket, a burp cloth, a pillow or anything with fabric and I'm content. Oh, and please do NOT cut off the tags to anything. Most people think they are a nuisance, and rip out those care labels, but that's the best part of a stuffed animal or hat, or ANYTHING. Tags are the best!

I could go on and on about other stuff...
but I need to get back to my nap.

Happy day!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MAXIMUS DARLIN'! YOU ARE CUTE TO THE MAX! Those are one adorable little man....and you are going to grow up loving music...JUST WATCH!

Oh Heidi dearest, HOW IS THE NEW HOME COMING ABOUT? So good to see you back in the saddle for a while! Maximus is as sweet as pie....


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I JUST SAW YOUR COMMENT ON MY OTHER BLOG! Do you know....shhhhhhhh....that I hope to make some changes in the near future with writing in the mix....but both art and writing are not stable jobs...but we never know. THANK YOU FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT! Anita

Moosic Mom said...

Loved your writings today, Maximus. You sure know how to express yourself. Tell your Mama to put my CD on and see how you like it. Be sure to play it on the CD player with a lot of BASS. The lowest notes on an organ are very low on the keyboard. I hope you like it. Thanks for sharing your inmost thoughts with us today. Grandpa and I were at Jimmie Rodgers concert yesterday, and I gave him a CD. Love you Maximus!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Oh dearest, moving is so fatiguing! I hope you are enjoying every WINK and zzzzzzzzzzzz as you fall asleep every night! You will be moved in and settled just in time to get cozy for winter. And thank you for your compliments; I do dream big and I even have the audacity to DO...but most of those times that I DO, I DID only because of someone who believed in me....bless you dearest, Anita

Sam W. said...

awwww...little one needs to learn that sleep at night is certainly not overrated :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I just love those thighs! teeehee

Dearest, thank you for coming by to leave a comment anyway. I always want to have a poetic, inspiring post, but sometimes BLOGGER eats up our ideas. OH WELL, carry on.