Monday, July 8, 2013

All Smiles

Last week I snapped this photo on my cell phone. Mr. M. really likes his crib and I am happy about that. When I'm trying to get ready for the day, I put him in there with a bunch of toys and books and I can shower and usually get ready with him still in there.

He isn't always this content though...oftentimes I find these toys scattered thrown and he's jumping like a monkey, diving on the mattress and doing somersaults. And usually I put my makeup on in his room, because by that time he's yelling, "Maaaaa-Maaaaa." ha!

Today I am 34 weeks and at my Doctor's visit, she said that the baby is positioned sideways (transverse). He needs to turn. I've got an appointment with my acupuncturist this week. There has been success with that to get the baby to turn, so I figured it was worth a try. It's non-invasive, so I am hoping that it works. We'll start with that. If all else fails, I could end up having a C-section. I'm not too worried because Maximus was supposedly breach at one point but eventually turned. 

Hope your week is off to a good start.

Happy day!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Maximus looks so adorable and comfortable in his cot with all his toys.
Hope the baby turns the right way, take care and look after yourself.

Enjoy the new week

renae said...

hi Heidi! hmmmm, traverse baby Santino has a mind of his own? My ydd's baby LL was traverse during delivery and all was well. Things will work out. C-sections are all that bad neither, I've heard. Haven't had one, but 1dd has had all of her three that way.

You will be fine. Stay positive and happy.

Google Reader isn't the same as Blogger's Reading List. Google Reader is that lame thing they have had for years that nobody has used. Google is trying to get more people to go to their lame Google Plus. But it all backfired and everyone was running to Bloglovin'. But no one needed to run anywhere, because Google Reader is lame and could go away and about 15% of the blogger would notice a hiccup of an effect.

Now how did I get that smart? I just don't know. hahahahahaha

Come back and visit me more often, okay? (hug)

Palomasea said...

Hello sweet Heidi! Look at darling Mr. M! Adorable as always...
I'm so glad to hear you are doing well..the best of luck to you with the acupuncture.
Blessings and wishes for a great week!
- Irina

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HEIDI MY FRIEND! I have missed you so much, but it's good to see you here with Maximus and also the update on the new boy coming to town soon!!!!!

I've been in California with no blogging access but I'm back and with a front row center ticket to the birth!!!!! Be well my dear; your little boy is coming soon...Anita

moosic mom said...

May the Lord take good care of you and the baby. He created you both and we trust Him to take care of you both, with the best out come. OUT.....(her he) COMES!
Love you.....Mom