Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Daily Grind from a Child's Perspective

M gets so excited about going to the mailbox with us.
It's the everyday "chores" he enjoys the most.
I'm learning a lot from this little guy. Some of the things that become part of the daily grind to me, are fun and exciting for him. He loves to help!
After we got the mail today he insisted on watering the flowers outside.
Then we went to the store and he pushed the groceries to the car for me.
Anybody want to hire this boy? 
Happy day!


Deborah said...

Oh Heidi how cute!
What a helper he will never regret that you blogged about your little one here!
How wonderful that Maximus will be able to look back on this daily reminder of your love for him.
I love it!
I love that shopping cart....oh my goodness!
How are you doing my sweet friend?!
Its so humid this week and last...I cant imagine if I was pregnant through this ;) I didn't have any summer I don't know about carrying through the hot summer.
All my love to you sweet friend!

All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoxo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

THIS LITTLE MAN is going to make a LITTLE LADY very happy one day if he continues on with this behavior! WOW! Is he helpful or what! Keep feeding that curiosity my's precious!

And yet it's another humid and even hotter day here today! You too have having the heat on? STAY PUT! Yesterday, I had a friend over and I wanted so badly to entertain her in my covered deck area, but it was way too hot for that. Today, I'm staying put!

Thank you so much for coming over my dear. Blessings! Anita

renae said...

Well, I am so glad he is your little helper, because you will need him to be one in about a month, for dang sure. "run and get a diaper, quick" "oh oh, where is the bulb syringe?" "please hand me that other little blanket, M, please?" . I guarantee that the more he helps the less jealous he will be. JEALOUS? Yes, as sweet as M is, he will be jealous, trust me. True the more he loves the less he will be jealous but it is a "My Mommy" thing. Just a heads-up, sweet Heidi, just a heads up.

Thank you for all your nice words to me, every single time. Love to you and your family!!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Heidi,
My heart sings every time I see this sweet boy. I love the picture of him watering the plants, and did you see the rainbow in the water? I'm not sure if I ever told you this before, but I think it is a gift whenever we see a rainbow. Oh, what a gift this little man is. How funny of him pushing the cart around. I went to the store today, and could have used a helper like him.

Enjoy your day.


Marianne said...

If it wasn't for all these damn child labor laws, I'd hire him. So cute & LOVE the hat!

Palomasea said...

He is too sweet for words, Heidi... :)