Monday, August 19, 2013

2 Weeks

Today was my actual due date, but this guy showed up 2 weeks early! It's been a busy couple of weeks. I was so thankful to have Rob at home during this time and like always, he was such a help! He went back to work today, so this marked the first day I was solo with the boys. It went well.
Here's a few things about Santino. He sleeps most of the time, but when he is awake and his eyes are open he is quite alert. 
Even though he's so tiny, he is quite strong! I notice this when I'm trying to change his diaper or dress him...not his favorite thing. He lets us know this by exercising his lungs. I have to say I can't blame him though.
If we put him on his back he tends to roll to his side.
He makes the cutest little squeaks and noises.
Life is good. I will try and post more pictures this week.
p.s. Happy Birthday to my Mom today! And, while I'm at it, Happy Birthday to Rob who celebrated his day on the 2nd. He was hoping that Santino would be born on his birthday...he only missed it by 3 days!
ALSO...I wanted to give a shout out to a dear friend who made this gorgeous quilt for Santino that you see in this picture! Her name is Cindy and I met her several years ago through facebook when I played a game called Farm Town. Since then we have corresponded and have become good friends. Even though I've never met her, she was so sweet to do this. In fact, she sent presents to the 4 of us!

Well, that's about a wrap. I need to get to bed. I hope you are all doing well. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments and wishes.

Nite NIte


moosic mom said...

I love the quilt! Sweet friend you have! I can't wait to hold Santino when he is awake! It was fun seeing him asleep, though. Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes. I am glad Santino has his very own birth date. Sorry Rob, sorry for me......ha! God bless you four! I love that picture of Maximus on your page when he was 46 weeks old...... his hair looks cute.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

So glad that life is going well and you will be busy with your family of four. How sweet and precious dear little Santino is and love the quilt your friend made.
Wishing you a happy week

Draffin Bears said...

I meant to say happy birthday to your Mum and husband and August is going to be a busy birthday month for your family.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I cannot BELIEVE IT! Soon you will be showing him with a t-shirt that says 18 months! Oh Heidi, thank GOD all went well! So good to see him here and I look forward to yet another year of JOY FROM YOU! Anita

Cindy said...

Wow!He sure is growing! He looks cute laying on that quilt. I know it looks huge right now since he's so small but one day it will look small compared to him. But we don't want that day to come too quickly. So precious! I wish I could hold him but he's so far away. I love you guys and congrats again on such a cute pair of boys. :)

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Heidi,
First, happy birthday to your mom and husband.
Dear little Santino is so adorable.
I love the expression on his face here. He looks like he is in deep thought.
Enjoy your week dear friend

Deborah said...

So good to hear how Santino is coming along. ;)
Teo weeks!
Its so great that you can blog about your babies here Heidi!
What a keepsake that will be ;)
Your hubby is a sweetie to take care of you all so well...wish him a happy birthday and your Momma too!
Hope you are able to take little naps when the boys do to keep up your strength little Momma!
What a kind friend to be so thoughtful!
Lovely quilt!
Hugs and more hugs to all!

All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoxoox

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

What a blessing for you both. How precious Santino is. How is little Maximus doing? Now there is a cutie for sure. Thank you for sharing all of your stories.
You have a wonderful family Dear,
And May God bless you all and keep you safe.
XXOO Marie Antoinette

Martina said...

Ooooh Santino is so sweet - and tiny! These little baby hands and feet are so precious - it's amazing how fast they grow - so enjoy this baby time while you can! Hugs from germany!