Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Past Couple of Weeks...

I've been meaning to post more, but it's hard to find the time lately. :)
This was Santino's first time in the car seat, just before we left the hospital. The first couple of days home were an adjustment for all of us. It was a little tough on Maximus at first. He was doing things he wasn't suppose to do in order to get attention. Now he's doing just fine. It's amazing how fast children adapt to their surroundings!
We've had some shopping adventures with the family. Maximus had fun "driving" this shopping cart with Santino in the basket.
Santino does well in the car, but sometimes he cries. The other day I remembered that when Maximus did this as a baby we would turn the radio to a static station. The white noise would calm him down. Well, it works for Santino as well.

Maximus loves holding his baby brother.

This picture was taken one evening when Maximus and Santino were In our bed. Maximus leaned over and kissed Santino and said, "I love you baby. Have a good sleepy." Moments like these melt my heart!
Last week when Rob was home, we enjoyed a picnic. Maximus is a true helper! He LOVES to hold the car carrier when we're taking the baby places.

Surprisingly, I haven't taken a ton of photos. I need to do more, but here are a couple close ups. This is one of Santino's typical "frowny faces" that we see a lot...ha!

Love his round little nose.

Happy day!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My heart has melted, BIG TIME! Oh those photos of Rob and Maximus and Santino...your THREE MEN. What a heart-melter, Heidi! What a great example your husband is and what a great learner Max is. You are blessed. Anita

Kelly said...

Oh, wow! He is so precious! His little face and teeny nose are so darling! You are blessed with such a sweet group of guys! :)

renae said...

hi Heidi! My gosh what a darling little guy Santino is!!! I love him, too. That pic of Maximus holding the carrier is so precious. "Big brother the protector!" I love it!

I only missed your post by a day. I have to find you because I don't see your posts as they come up for some dumb (google) reason. urgh.

Last week I posted a post on Tuesday and it didn't materialize on the list either. double urgh.

Take care of your sweet little guys and have a ton of pics of them next time too, k? (hug)

Bilancia Designs said...

I meant to get here sooner but I've just been crazy with weddings!
How sweet is Santino!!!? OMG..he's so beautiful!
Congratulations and many blessings to you and your beautiful family.
Looking forward to seeing LOTS of pictures!
God bless~

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teehe..I love that picture of Santino peering suspiciously into the camera! And that pic of the three men...what a blessing, Heidi. You must love (I KNOW I WOULD) being surrounded by your men. What bliss....

Thank you precious friend for coming to visit! I hope it's not as humid out there for you as it is here...we started out with a cooler than normal summer but now? KAPOW! We are melting out here!

Wishes for a lovely, late summer day. Anita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good morning Heidi,
How very blessed you are to have such joy in your life. Santino is such an adorable baby.. It just warms my heart to see the love between dear little Maximus and his baby brother.
The photos of Rob and the children are priceless, and you look beautiful!

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to come visit.
Your words are music to my ears.
Enjoy your day dear friend.