Monday, January 13, 2014

23 Weeks

I could squeeze these chunky legs all day long! ha!
This last week Santino ate sweet potatoes and bananas for the first time. He also ate peas, which he had only had one time before, a few weeks ago. Santino has a good appetite and eats 2 - 3 jars of baby food a day. His favorite foods so far are carrots, squash & rice cereal. He gobbles those foods down. When it comes to peas, he kind of chokes on them, so it's better to feed him fruit alongside and just rotate bites. If he's having pears, he'll usually make spit bubbles, and you get a splatter of pears all over.
When he's on his tummy he'll push up with his legs as if he's trying to crawl. Sometimes he gets momentum and moves or slides a bit, but I think we're still a ways from full blown crawling.
He's a such a smiley boy. We love him so much!!!

1 comment:

moosic mom said...

He is ahead of his time....trying to crawl. Wow!