Monday, January 27, 2014

25 Weeks

Funny little pose, huh? haha!
Santino continues to be a smiley boy but he still has his moments/days where he cries a lot. For the past several weeks he hasn't been sleeping as well at night. He goes down quicker, but wakes up a lot more. He has a love hate thing with swaddling. He usually cries and fights it when I swaddle him, but once he's all wrapped up he feels cozy and sleeps a lot better. When he wakes up though it's hilarious, because we'll hear (and sometimes see) his legs rising up and smacking down as if he's trying to get out of his cocoon.
I've gotten to the point now when he wakes up, a lot of times I'll nurse him in our bed and he ends up sleeping beside me. He sleeps so much better this way, but I know that eventually he's going to need to be solo in his own bed. But, for the sake of everyone, (including ME) this works best for us right now...we ALL get more sleep this way.
Last week Santino tried summer squash and some pear mixed with raspberry. We stopped the pear and raspberry because we think he may have had an allergic reaction to the berry. His skin on his face got flushed on one cheek and he had a rash on part of his face. Other foods seem to cause some irritation to his skin I've noticed, but I don't think it's anything serious. Next time he goes for a well check I'm going to ask about it.
The other day, Maximus had Santino in stitches. M was telling me about a ball that went up in the air and he was using hand gestures and sound effects. Santino was watching and observing M and started laughing like crazy. I had Maximus tell the story over and over and we all got some good giggles out of that! It's so darn cute to see the two of them communicate with each other.
Maximus is always bringing Santino toys and "blankies." He even likes helping us change Santino's diaper. He'll unzip or unsnap Santino's jammies to assist us. Sometimes he'll even throw the dirty diaper away for us. ha!
I've been taking the boys to the music class at the library that I took M to before. We all enjoy it. At church, in order to get Maximus to go to the nursery, I've been going in and staying with both of the boys. Some of the little girls there just adore having baby Santino in there.
I hope your week is good. Does it feel like 2014 is already off to a fast start? That's a YES for me!
Happy day!


moosic mom said...

His smile is so cute. He sure is changing in looks. What a cute post on your goings on!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

That is sooooooooo cute Heidi!
He looks like he is showing you his arm muscle!
Wishing you a beautiful week.
Thank you so much for visiting. Your comments always make me smile.
Yes, I am deep into working on a piece.. Will be finished soon I hope.
Give those boys a hug for me.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Lovely that your boys have fun together. You will be so happy when Santino is sleeping through the night - lack of sleep can be hard.
And yes, can't believe that we are nearly through January.

Happy week

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

That Maximus is going to be one fabulous:

life-long brother
angel of God.

Heidi, your little Santino is adorable! And just soak in all that brotherly help you are have yourself a diaper picker-upperer! (whoah, I'm not sure that is a word!)

Thank you so much for coming to visit and yes, isn't Jeri Landers absolutely a fantastic artist?

jerilanders said...

Well hello Santino! What a jolly, handsome little chap you are. I love the names you have chosen for your boys. I had 2 boys as well, about a hundred years ago, and those were some of the best times of my life. I wish we had blogging back then, it's is such an easy way to journal those childhood days and when they are so young, you need things to be easy. Nice to meet you Heidi, and thank you for your visit to my world. I must check in with you often to remind me of the good old days of early motherhood!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, Santino is such a happy baby, Heidi. I laughed right along when you mentioned Maximus' story of the ball using hand gestures. Isn't it funny when they start to laugh, and you repeat what you said, and they laugh again? I remember that, and it's the funniest thing to watch.

Your boys are so well rounded, and they have YOU AND DAD to thank for that.

Have a sweet day.


renae said...

Oh Heidi, Cute kids you have. Don't you just love this age when the baby laughs and carries on with his older brother. Awh, sooooooo dang cute!!!!!

We need to visit on the phone but I have been busy talking to doctors and nurses getting questions answered and stuff.

I am going to kick this breast-ding-dang-crap-cancer, that is FOR SURE!!!! ♥

Martina said...

Oh no, what a supercute picture! Am sending you cuddles!

Palomasea said...

Hello, dear Heidi! :)
It was a wonderful to see your encouraging message, friend, I thank you so much. I miss visiting everyone regularly, but my internet connection still gives me problems on a daily basis.
And I would LOVE to see your work. (I know you do not have a ton of free time right now...;)
I love abstract as you have some favorite abstract artists? Miro is one of mine....

But now to the really important stuff....your gorgeous little MEN! :)
You are an amazing mommy raising superb gentlemen..bravo.
With the sleeping arrangement, you reminded me...I took one side of the crib down, and we slept with the crib pushed all the way up to our bed...that way we had the best of both was dreamy!! :) Aren't they the sweetest!
Big hugs to you all!
Love and blessings,
- Irina