Monday, April 21, 2014

37 Weeks

Santino has another tooth coming in on top. It's the left center front. That now makes 3 teeth coming in at the same time. Plus, I think another one is soon to follow.
The last couple days, we've let S gnaw on a cold pickle after he eats and he really enjoys that. We've also resorted to giving him Tylenol as well when he is really fussy. Needless to say, he's not sleeping as well lately. Poor baby.
Other than that, he is one busy baby, trying desperately to get his hands on all sorts of things that he wants but can't have: shampoo & lotion bottles, computer, keyboard, printer, toilet paper, cords under the desk, baby monitor, magazines, catalogs or anything made of paper, cell phones, thermostat, water bottles, diaper pail and whatever Maximus is playing with.
Santino resembles Elvis lately with that wide stance and the hips swaying as he's trying to keep his balance, while standing and holding onto something for support.
If he's sitting on the floor, he can rock himself to a squatting or kneeling position. He really wants to get up and go!
Yesterday he had fun playing with the plastic Easter eggs. Speaking of Easter, I hope everyone had a good one! I'll try and post some photos of the boys this week.
Happy day!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning HAPPY BOY! Good morning HAPPY MOM! Beautiful photo dear friend. Have a lovely Easter afterglow week. Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest friend! Thank you for coming to visit yesterday! WEll as far as the results, I have to go in for further testing. I'll come via email. But today is MY BIRTHDAY and thank GOD for another year. LOVE TO YOU! Anita