Tuesday, July 14, 2009

10 Things that Annoy Me

In no particular order:

  1. Gum that is thrown outside onto the street or elsewhere.
  2. Bird pooh constantly on my back porch.
  3. The sound of my clothes dryer.
  4. Improper grammar/misspelled words. (I'm not saying I always get it right, though!)
  5. When I go to open my nightstand, and discover the manicure case is open and the clippers has not been folded and put away!
  6. Throw rugs that won't stay in place in the bathroom, despite the use of that sticky, rubbery stuff that you place down first.
  7. Pollen on my car.
  8. Stuck up people.
  9. Dust that seems to return almost the minute after I've finished cleaning.
  10. Poor customer service!

I'm not trying to be a downer....I just was thinking I should post something and didn't really have any brilliant ideas, so what better to do than share some of my gripes?! (ha ha)

So, tell me, what's you're biggest pet peeve?

Tomorrow I'll post 10 things that don't annoy me. :)


Anonymous said...

People that don't own up to their own mistakes. I was watching Food Network Star the other night, and that Debbie made me so mad. She was totally playing the martyr card, doing the "woe is me" act, and saying she was the only one in the kitchen who was getting the food ready, when that was clearly a LIE. She had help, lots of help. She was seriously only plating her own food, and no one elses. And that one dude (Jeffrey I think) is the one who put her in charge of the kitchen in the first place, because she is a caterer. Hello???? If you have the kind of catering experience you say you do, then getting out that many appetizers for a party of that size should not be that difficult for you. But to put the blame on other people, and say she was doing all she could, is just bull.
Made me mad!
But... if you make a mistake, own up to it. Say you're sorry, and you promise to do better next time. Don't pass the blame onto someone else.

Okay. Sorry.
You asked. :-)
Had to get that off my chest.


Cindy said...

Some things that annoy me:
1) A garbage can liner not being replaced when the full one is taken out.
2) People who gripe in a comment box after reading a news article who either can't spell or don't check their spelling.
3) People who drive with a long cigarette sticking out of their lips.
4) People doing 40 mph on an interstate (either lane) and talking on their phone or worse texting).
5) Someone calls with their t.v. turned up so loud you can't hear what they are saying.
6) When people get mad at me for not returning their call soon enough or accusing me of ignoring their call.
7) Having someone on my bumper in the left lane when I'm already doing 10 miles an hour over the speed limit.
Those are all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for letting me vent.

Moosic Mom said...

A couple things that annoy me are: Old garage sale signs that are left up and not removed when the sale is over!!!

When I promise myself I won't eat anymore tonight, and I do anyway. I annoy mysellf!

Folks thet missspell easee wurds! Ha! Just havin' fuun! :)

Note to Cindy: When lining the garbage can, do 6 liners, and when you take one out, you already have it lined for the next time. We have done that for years, thanks to Heloise. I dread the "last" one. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am SO telling my kids about the 6 liners in the trash can trick! They are going to love that idea.

Cindy: I hear ya on #4 and #7!