Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kooky Goes to the Principal's Office

Kooky went with me to school last week and insisted that he wanted to see the Principal. Silly Chicken...thank goodness he didn't get into any real trouble.

Growing up, my Dad was a Principal. The Kids, Teachers & Parents loved him! In fact he and my Mom recently went to an open house celebration at one of the school's where he was a Principal and they got to reunite with some of his former Teachers. He even got to see some of the kids who are all grown up now.

Have you ever been sent to the Principal's Office?
About the worst trouble I ever got in at school was after school detention. It was for flicking a piece of clay at my Teacher. I was in a pottery/wheel class. Really, it was more of a joke...I was just playin' around, working on a project. My Teacher was sitting at the other end of the table. I took a tiny piece of clay and flicked it at him, only for it to land on his eyeglasses. OOPS! I think he was more embarrassed than anything. (ha ha)...What about you? Do you have any stories that you'd like to share?

Oh, Kooky...What are you up to NOW?

Happy Day!


Anonymous said...

When I was in third grade we were having an art class where we had to paint on a large piece of paper. A girl sitting next to me (I'm assuming she was my friend) and me decided that after we got done painting our pictures on the paper that we would paint all over our hands and arms. Whoa doggy! Did we ever get into trouble about that. We were both sent to the principal's office where we cried all the way there, and the whole time she talked to us. Our mom's were called, and boy oh boy did I ever get in trouble!
Thanks for the memories! LOL!

coolbreeze (a.k.a. Rob the Husband) said...

I would not know where to start....

Run26.2Mom said...

It was a Friday of my Sophomore year in a small high school. Our entire English class decided to not return to class after lunch. When the bell rang all 22 of us exited out a side door and ran in single file down the bus alley. Where were we going? I am sure no one would notice us....I still remember how I, the class president and nerd brainiac, wanted to puke, but just one person couldn't return could they? So I went. And I felt free for a moment well until we got caught, put in Saturday detention for weeks and came within inches of missing the next two weeks of basketball games right before the playoffs. Thank goodness I was the only tall girl on the team.
Kooky I am glad you made better choices while you were at school!

Amy said...

Only visited there once. I ran across the muddy baseball diamond and my shoe sunk in (I mean really sunk in, like quick sand, poof and it was gone). I had to sit in the principal's office while they called my mom but they couldn't get her so I had to finish the day with only one shoe on. It's kind of a funny now though.

hi-d said...

LOL...fun hearing everyone's stories...the things we did... :)