Monday, November 7, 2011

39 Weeks

Maximus is exactly 9 months old today!

Lately he has been smacking his lips together. He also started taking his fingers and running them up and down his mouth. I think he likes to hear all of the different sounds he can make.

The other day he got up in a push up position. Is he trying to tell me something? "Hey Mom...this is called exercise...Why don't you join me?" haha...

I do get some exercise though...him and I enjoy dancing together in the kitchen. He's a great dance partner. And Papa and Maximus continue to like to play together and rough house.

Maximus got a new wooden toy last week and Rob stood him up by it. Maximus grabbed the top of it, hung on and stood by himself.

I need to try and get a good shot of this on videotape...when we put Maximus on his changing table, he goes nuts with his arms and legs...moving them up and down like a wild man. It's the funniest thing and always makes me laugh.

I've come into his room a few times now to find him sitting up in his crib after taking a nap. We've lowered the crib to the lowest setting...but the next thing we'll have to do is remove one of the mattresses, and then just hope that he doesn't figure out how to climb out of the thing anytime soon.

Hope you all have a great week!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HEIDI MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!! How is the new homestead my dear?

OK, now Maximus is GETTING OLDER NOW! NO! Yes......yes...he has to grow up, but right before our eyes, he is starting to SIT UP, then he is going to walk, then.........well all I can say is that he is fun to watch. And I am sure that his flapping arms and noises must make you laugh. I love to watch the boys in my class make all these silly "BOY NOISES" like machine guns...yeah, I know, sad. But they are so good at explosion noises!!!!!! They always make us "girls" laugh, don't they?

Sweet as ever my dear...Anita

Run26.2Mom said...

Hello Fellow blogger....I have been out of pocket but I am back for now. I have been missing out....
When did your adorable little baby get so adorably big? Love the photos. He has great hair :)
Sounds like you have been busy moving. That is exhausting and exciting all wrapped into one. I hope you have had some help.
Hope you have a great day and find time to dance in your kitchen. What fun!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Thank you for visiting my dear....Oh this Maximus...I have been meaning to draw him!!! What a tender little soul he is....HAVE A GREAT DAY! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh, I too am listening to this song and tears are rolling down my cheeks as I realize how connected we all are. Heaven is really going to be an awesome sight. I wonder if I will slobber like I do now!!! Jesus will have to peel me off the glass floor, for I shall be weeping from awe at how this life was such a precious gift. ENjoy every second dearest Heidi! Anita

Martina said...

Whew, brace yourself for busy times Heidi,but also - more fun! xx

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I cannot believe how long his little hair has gotten! He is looking so much more like a toddler than a little baby! So crazy! Still as adorable as ever, though! (c:

Sam W. said...

he's getting so big!! we definitely need some videos posted :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest friends!!!!!!! Thank you for FLYING on over the roof tops to come for a visit. I believe Maximus LOVES the idea of taking flight; one day, HE WILL when he discovers the keys to the car!!! Oh, let's not hurry things up!!!