Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Eye Exam

"What are you doing, Kooky?"
"I'm thinking I might need to get glasses, Maximus. My vision has been a little blurry lately."
"Don't you worry, Kooky. I have skills. Come here. I can examine your eyes for you."
"Okay, Maximus. I hope you know what you're doing!"
"Open your eyes as wide as you can. And whatever you do Kooky, DON'T blink."
"Stay with me Kooky, and continue to keep your eyes open. I'm going to perform a series of different tests."
"First, I want to apply some slight pressure to your nose."
"Next, I need to cover your left eye."
"Sometimes this maneuver helps me determine if you have vision problems."
"In extreme cases, I've found that a tap to the head with a teething ring does wonders for clearing up blurry vision."
"And one last tug for good measure should do the trick."
"That about does it, Kooky. How is your sight now?"
"Are you kidding me, Maximus? What kind of diagnosis was that?"
"I told you, Kooky...I have SKILLS!"
"I am speechless, Maximus. And exhausted after that ordeal."
"You're not the only tired one. That took a lot of work..."
"...And you're welcome, Kooky."

Happy day!


Moosic Mom said...

That is the funniest, most clever thing yet, Heidi. All those expressions and your captions! Amazing talent you have. What a fun Mom you are! You really capture great expressions of Maximus! And then put down what he is thinking during the eye exam! :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


HOW ON EARTH did I miss this last night as I was trying to visit everyone! HEIDI, you are BRILLIANT, WOMAN! And I could (swear) that KOOKY'S EYES MOVE!!! My goodness, you must, you MUST find a way to publish your stories!

OHHHHH!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE! I will get them out to you ASAP! AND....I wonder, Ruben told me I should try a little BOY!!! I must do that this weekend to see how they come out.


Diana Mieczan said...

Those are such a fun photos:) Totally made my morning. Happy Wednesday, my dear. Kisses

Anonymous said...

That was a totally awesome story! Loved it.

Sam W. said...

bahaha. love it!! still waiting for your story book to come out :)

carissa said...

oh my word. hahaha! love this.

maximus is getting so big. he is so handsome. and i certainly see an opthalmologist in his career future. : )

moosic mom said...

Seeeeeee.......people love it!