Monday, June 18, 2012

NO NO NO & Other Random Facts

Maximus likes to say the word, "NO" a LOT! I guess he's just repeating what he hears. He even will say it before he does something that he knows he's not supposed in this short video. He's trying to get to the printer and turn it off and on and he's telling on himself by saying, "No, no, no, no, no."

He's so fun to watch. Last week we noticed him running around and then he'd STOP midstream to do one squat and then he'd be off running again.

This boy loves our frequent trips to Costco. I think he enjoys eating the yummy samples just about as much as I do! They were passing out coffee samples. The lady was so nice and offered him some half n half with a straw and later filled his cup with some water to sip on.
This is a very common stance for him.

Bright eyed & bushy hair after a nap.

I love taking him to the library each week for story time. It's really more than that though...we sing, play & here he gets to chase bubbles.

He enjoyed his first time riding in the car, attached to the shopping cart at the grocery store the other day.

It's official! He has outgrown his swing. It's been a long time coming. The funny thing, is that he hasn't even noticed that it's gone. Whew...we weren't sure how that would go over.

M loves taking a bath. I'm so excited, because him and I are going to his first swim class next week!

Hope you have a great week!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how I wish that my parents would have trusted a swimming instructor to teach me! To this day, though I LOVE WATER from a distance, I cannot swim! GREAT PLAN HEIDI! And....he is as darling as ever.....have a great day! Anita

Martina said...

He's developing so fast Heidi - i can't believe how much he's changed already! And so much fun still ahead of you too ;) Love the library playdate!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Heidi
What a dear child... I think he will do very well with his swimming lessons.. Loved the video.
Thank you so much for visiting and kind thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that gorgeous face, I'd find it fun to watch him too. ;) So glad you're sharing with us.
Outgrown the swing?!? :( Slow down, Maximus. Whew that he didn't notice is right. ;) hee-hee

Thank you for stopping by, love.
Enjoy a beautiful day.
XOXO...for you and Maximus...and Kooky too. :)

renae said...

Thank you for your post and pics of your darling son and star of Maximus and Kooky Chicken Adventures. More, more, more please - they bring laughing tears to my eyes. :D

Mary said...

Cute M. My mom informed me that my first word(s) was "shup". Talk about the power of negativism. Haaa ahaahaa

Vær våken said...

What a great video. He is just the cutest!! You are so lucky! That little man will be so handsome when he grows up! Have a lovely day!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning,friend! Well, I would take swimming lessons under these conditions:

let me start in the shallow end
give me a life jacket
don't let go of me too soon!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I am a brave gal, but put me in front of an audience ANYTIME before you get me in a pool!!!!

Have a fun day! Anita

wendy said...

Hello Hi-d (love that actually, Hi-d)
So nice you stopped by my blog. I love new visitors.
Maximus...great name, and holy cow, look at those eyes and dimples. You must be thrilled to have him in your life.
Looking at your comments and who I KNOW
well, Anita.
come again

renae said...

Heidi, I do also like salads! Italian food is bad for me...but I loved loved loved a dish at TGIFridays called Broken Noodles w/o the cheese. O MY Gossshsh It was marvelous.... but they took if OFF the menu, doh!