Monday, June 4, 2012

Walking Outside

We went shoe shopping for Maximus on Saturday. It was entertaining to see him walk around the store, test driving different pairs of shoes. The size 5 wide, that we ended up getting, fit his cute little pudgy feet. 

On Sunday we got a bite to eat. Afterwards, we walked around the area outside the restaurant. Maximus was SOOOO excited to be outdoors and have a wide open space to explore. He was walking so fast, (almost running), with such joy on his face and he was babbling out loud.

 Ready, Set, Go...

 He points at things all the time.

 I love this jacket. He was born on the 7th and it's my favorite number.

 He heard a siren, so stopped for a moment to listen.

  Lately he is getting quite good at imitating the sound of sirens & horns.

Soon he was ready to take off again.

 And as usual, he spotted things that he wanted to pick up.

Like this leaf...

 And he REALLY wanted to go get wet in the fountains...

 That would have to be saved for another day, because it was too cold.

 I love these boys...

I hope your week is off to a good start!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HELLO THERE PRETTY MOMMA! Oh you all look great my friend! MAXIMUS IS MOBILE NOW! Yikes! He looks ready to conquer his world.

Does it NOT warm your heart to see these men? What is it about these guys that just tickle our hearts? I think God made us to love them in a special way....I don't know....but all I can say is that my husband and his talents, skills and even foibles just make me so happy and if I had a little boy, I would love him so much. There is this darling dark haired boy in one of my classes. He just looks as if he would be my son, and we chat all the time and I just love to see him run and be a boy. Ohhh, I am rambling here, but your little Maximus just reminded me of how these guys just steal our hearts.


Shirley said...

Oh my goodness - how cute! He looks SO grown up walking with Daddy. Great pictures - and love to see you IN one :) Love you!

Moosic Mom said...

He and Rob were standing exactly the same. He is so tiny walking beside Rob. Love the picture of you and M. Thanks.....such fun!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello sweet friend!

TODAY IS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Well, for the kids...we teachers work Thursday and Friday for half a day...YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Then I will probably cry.

Life goes on....