Monday, September 24, 2012

19 Months

M turned 19 months old on September 7th, and I am FINALLY getting around to posting this photo of him. On the 7th, the three of us went out for Italian food for our Wedding Anniversary. Afterwards, we stopped by the playground where he swims to let him have some fun.

Speaking of swimming...we are in the middle of our third round of lessons. Our teacher is the best! It's more than just singing songs and splashing in the water. Maximus is doing great - blows bubbles, splashes, kicks and goes under water.  We use all sorts of flotation devices such as kick boards, noodles, dumbbell looking things and life jackets. He loves it when he gets to wear a life jacket and float around on his back. He's so relaxed and looks like he's going to fall asleep. M gets the chance to sit on the side of the pool and jump into the water. He doesn't actually jump...I just reach up and pull him into the water. He enjoys it though! We also get to play with plastic balls. Our teacher encourages the kids to throw the ball and then reach and pull with their arms, to mimic swimming strokes. He is able to go under the water and does well, although sometimes he doesn't want to. He gets a big grin when he's tossed up into the air and caught on the way down.

Lately when Maximus wakes up he wants to go sit on my glider. He's able to climb up into it...usually using the footstool for a boost. He will sit there and rock like crazy, listening to music playing on the iPod next to the chair. If he doesn't like a song, he'll point and grunt to get me to skip to the next song, and the next song, and so on...He is content when Bobby Darin plays on We play a variety of different music for him. He is really into some of the cool/hip Christian music, such as tobyMac. And on occasion he will raise his hand, like we do in church when we're singing. It is the sweetest thing to watch!

He continues to say more and more words or repeat things that we say. I don't always remember to write them down, so some of these he's been saying a long time and others are newer.
He says:
knee, hat, up, in
bow = boat
rah = cross (he recognizes crosses and points to them all the time)
Caw-co = Costco
I-dee = pretty sure that's Heidi (ME)
If we go over a big bump or railroad tracks he usually says, "wee."
When he swings, he oftentimes says, "wee...wee."
The other day he repeated "pizza."

If we're laughing pretty hard or he overhears a conversation with lots of laughter, he does this fake laugh. It's hilarious...definitely a forced laugh, but he has a good sense of humor. He also gets going with a fake cough sometimes.

He's becoming increasingly more affectionate and cuddly. I love rocking him in the chair as well as dancing with him. It's so sweet when Rob asks M for a hug and kiss and Maximus puts his head on Rob's shoulder and wraps his arms around him and gives him a kiss.

When it comes to bedtime, M doesn't cry as often as he used to. In fact, lately he welcomes it and will ask to go "nigh nigh" (night night).

In the evenings after dinner, M likes to run around and play with his toys. One of Maximus' favorite things to do is sit on Papa's lap at the computer and watch music videos on YouTube. They both enjoy moving and drumming to the beat of the music. Maximus will get bouncing up and down like a wild man. We don't let M watch TV...but there are those rare occasions when the TV is on and he's around.

My niece is due in about a month. She's going to have a baby girl and I am so excited to see how Maximus reacts. He's very interested in babies.

I could go on and on...I never tire talking about this little guy. He is our pride & joy!

I hope you're all having a good start to a new week. Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments lately. I hope to be back blogging a little bit more regularly...even if it's just a quick, short post. And, I hope to be visiting you soon as well!

Happy day!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING HEIDI and the illustrious MR. M.!!! is he ever cute in his little shoes and shirt!!!!

I LOVE hearing about his joys of swimming. Again, I am envious that this child is being taught to love and respect the water. AND THAT YOU ARE THERE TO ASSIST! What fun. He is truly growing and what a blessing that you both are there for him, Heidi!!

Thank you for coming back to see Isabelle de Borchgrave's work! YES INDEED, I KNOW I can make dresses of this size and caliber. I KNOW IT. I just need a chance to do it for someone! I don't know if I told you, but I was contacted by a fashion designer in New York that wanted one of my dresses for a fashion show. She was very enthusiastic about my work, but she thought that the pieces in my Etsy shop were life-size. The size of my table top pieces did not end up being what she needed for a particular event, but I hope to speak to a shop owner in town that may be interested in paper dress designs for her store front window.

We shall see.....

THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND friendship my dear Heidi! HAVE FUN TODAY! Anita

Shirley said...

Love all of the M updates. He is so precious! The LORD be praised!!!

renae said...

Oh Heidi! M is in such a great phase of his life, which is my favorite because they can talk, and emote finally what they need or feel. I love to hear baby talk, to decipher the meaning. so cute. this post was fabulous. If you just did one long fabulous post per week I would comment everyday on it. You are a great mommy and it shows!!

moosic mom said...

Special post of Maximus. He sure is smart......well he has two smart parents. Thank you for being so detailed in writing about his life! XOXOX

Marianne said...

These are such wonderful glimpses into his age...all things that (miraculously) can be forgotten without proper notes. He is lucky to have a mom who blogs - none of you will forget these precious moments!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

How sweet your dear little man is, all the big milestones, in his life and saying words now. What fun!
Also such a great time to be learning to swim and get water confidence.

Have a happy week and many thanks for visiting me.

Deborah said...

Oh my goodness Heidi, Maximus is growing up.! I love hearing about all his new words...brings back great memories!
I love the "fake laugh" and I can just see him. He's hilarious!
What a little sweetheart he is and how wonderful that you are chronicling his growth here. And we are blessed to be able to share in it with you!

Deborah xoxoxooxoxoox

Palomasea said...

Isn't it so amazingly fun? You are very wise, dear Heidi, to note these precious details...oh, he will have so much fun reading these back someday. (you will too!)
What a sweetheart...I bet he will start coming up with some of his own Kooky stories soon! :))
Have a great day!
- Irina