Monday, September 17, 2012

My New Favorite Sandwich

Rob discovered this recipe online recently, and since then I've had it a few times. I tried to see if I could find the video recipe online, but couldn't find it. I'll see about posting it if we can track it down.
Anyway...It consists of toasted bread, a nice thick layer of goat cheese, mixed with a bit of heavy cream, topped with a little salt, pepper, fresh figs, balsamic vinegar and peppermint. (I used spearmint here.) And yes...I took a VERY large bite before snapping this photo. It has so many different flavors and textures going on - sweet, salty, tangy, creamy, crunchy, and just plain YUM!
How was your weekend? We enjoyed a get together on Saturday night with some of Rob's co-workers. And I met the cutest Italian Grandma in the world that didn't speak English. I could have listened to her speak Italian all night! Sunday we spent the day with Rob's family and celebrated my Birthday, which is on Wednesday. It was a fun weekend.
I am so behind on my little updates and photos of Maximus and just blogging in general. There are so many things I want to blog about, but it's been nice as well to take a break. I hope to be back soon with more posts and to visit you!
Happy day!


Martina said...

This looks super delicious Heidi, must try! A fugue tree is growing in our front garden. so. soon i can pick some for the sandwich! Happy week to you!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

The sandwich looks yummy and thanks for sharing. My parents had a big fig tree in the garden when I was growing up.
Wishing you a happy birthday on Wednesday. Our Son turns 21 today, the 18th.

Have a great week

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Now this is an INTERESTING sandwich, but I suspect that the fusion of all those textures has got to be a great surprise to the taste buds! Figs, is it? I would have never thought!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!!! HOW LOVELY that on Wednesday, it is YOUR DAY! It is great to catch up on regular life, isn't it? But I always miss my blogging friends so much and it is good to see you dear friend. LOVE! Anita

Mary said...

Yum sandwich...cute Italian dinner lady and a happy birthday! Winning plan, see you soon.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I absolutely LOVE figs so I know I would love this sandwich! What a wonderful combination!

renae said...

oh Heidi, so great to see you again! (well, your smiling face in the corner, that is)

Figs! figs? I love fresh figs like that. My husband has a niece in California that we visit with and she has an awesome fig tree! We just go into her wondrous, gardenish (she has things growing everywhere; in pots or planters or hanging from trees, etc.) back yard and just sit under the tree on patio furniture and eat the figs. Your sandwich made me want to go to California!!!!

hahahaha. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! and Happy Birthday on Wednesday!!!!

now let's have some more Kooky Chicken. k?

Marianne said...

I gotta be honest. This one makes me a little nervous.

xoxo The Bland One

momto8 said...

wow..that looks so yummy!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning, Heidi!

HOW NICE TO SEE YOU! How is Maximus? I bet over this period of time that you have had up your post, taken a little time off and have been with family that Maximus has changed! I can't wait to see another post on how he is doing.

I am still at home, enjoying the time off. Substitute teaching will start for me as soon as I get my ID# so I can get called in and also get paid for my day's work!

In the mean time, I am enjoying looking into possible art shows I can join.

I hope your weather is beautiful; fall is coming our way with lovely cool weather! LOVE! Anita

renae said...

hey Heidi dear! It was nice to see your comments on my site and I cheered and cheered -"Heidi is back, Heidi is back!" You need to not be quiet either, my sweet! Join my linky-hoppy-dilly-whop next week and you'll be so happy you did. LOL. I jest! But do - I would love to show your post off to all my other followers (like I have a ton?) but post away my dear and stick around. We need you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now, that's different. I love the combination of sweet and salty so I'd probably like it. Sounds refreshing too.

Anywho, it's good to hear from you in blogland. I was actually thinking of you and wondering if you were okay. Breaks are good.


Palomasea said...

Heidi dear, thank you so much for visiting! I, too, have been off the computer for some time...
A Very Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!
May you be blessed all year!!
You are a very special person, and I hope your day was filled with love and joy!!
This sandwich looks amazing...I will try it!
- Irina