Tuesday, September 25, 2012

They Come in ALL Sizes

Would you believe it if I told you that the boy on the left is 20 months old?

This photo was taken at the playground the day that Maximus turned 19 months. The father of this very tall child was telling us that he is OFF the growth charts. Keep in mind that Maximus is pretty small for his age, but WOW!!! That's about all I can say when looking at this.

Happy day!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


I remember having a boy in my fourth grade class that was TALLER THAN ME by the end of the year, but I am NOT petite! It was so cute; he used to team up with another boy during presentations that was about half his size and this tall boy had the voice of a wee child...THEY COME IN ALL SIZES, INDEED!!!!!!

HI HEIDI! Thank you for your visit and enthusiasm! Now if I could just find someone here in the Twin Cities who needs a paper artist for their window displays, then I would be in good business!!!! Anita

Deborah said...

Thats so cute Heidi! My neice and my daughters boyfriends little girl are practically the same age (2 1/2) and there size difference is striking too!
Just goes to show you that each one of us is unique! :)
There are both so sweet! I love how Maximus is looking at him! Lol
have a great day!
Deborah xoxoxo

Palomasea said...

:))) Another cutie pie!

renae said...

Heidi! Of course I will encourage you. Go Heidi! Go Heidi! Go Heidi Go! Go to your keyboard and camera and blog blog blog!!!


My new grandson is 6 months old and he is so big already, cuz my daughter(the one in the picture with my brother) is 5'9" and his daddy is 6'11"! Yuppers! She wanted tall and she is getting tall. Yay! I love them all.

Your warm words to me are so sweet.

Martina said...

Yes, really amazing how different kids can be! But .... i remember my cousin, who was much taller than me as a kid is now much smaller than me! Teehee, things can change!

Marianne said...

I'm having flashbacks! I used to get embarrassed when people would ask how old Danny was when I knew he was about the same age as their children (who were half Danny's size). People always assumed he was 2 years older. When he was a little guy, some parents made snide comments about "the five year old in the diaper." He was barely 2! My gentle giant is 8 now and I've been nothing but proud for a long time. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Alexandra Marie said...

Aww, what a cute picture <3 alex
