Monday, April 29, 2013

24 Weeks

I had an OB appointment today and heard Santino's heartbeat again. This time I recorded it with my cell phone. It's amazing how fast that little heart is thumping in there.
I spoke to my Doctor about waiting until my due date instead of being induced a week earlier. My due date is Aug. 19th, so that would mean having Santino on the 12th instead, if I go that long. She really encouraged, almost insisted, that we stick to the plan of inducing. This is due to being over the age of 40. The risk of having complications with the baby increase if you wait too long. I am not too concerned, but I don't want to take any chances, so I'll do what's best for this little guy on the inside.
Overall, this pregnancy has gone well so far. I should say that the 1st trimester was hard because I felt so nauseous, but I am doing well now.  This time I do think I'm probably more tired though. When I was pregnant with Maximus I had a lot of the point of having to get my wedding ring cut off. I also had issues with my wrists hurting and occasional migraines. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to eat with my 1st pregnancy. I've avoided all of these things so far, this time around.
It's amazing to think that I'll be holding another baby in 3 1/2 months.
Here's a little side by side comparison of how I looked at 22 weeks with Maximus vs. Santino.

24 weeks - Santino
24 weeks, 2 days - Maximus

See what I mean? I look much more tired this time. haha
Happy day!


moosic mom said...

It could be you are more tired because you have a little Maximus to chase around and take care of. I would say that would make you tired for sure. It takes energy to raise a child. XOXO

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Heidi,

You look great and hope the birth of your sweet baby will go well dear friend. Having a little toddler can keep you busy and my advice is take an afternoon nap when Maximus takes a little sleep.

Hugs and hope you have a happy week

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


So good to "see" you and I pray all is well? You are feeling well, and the rest is really going to be a huge factor in getting you through this. I so appreciate you joining in on the link party and I see the button on your is just fine on the sidebar, but for the week of the party, just put the button on the post so people can see that you are a participant. This should be just fine.

Off I go to substitute teach in a second grade class today!

Much love dearest Heidi! Anita

Shirley said...

You are so funny! You don't look tired - you look great!

I agree with your Mom - you should be tired, you have to care for Maximus.

So excited to see Santino!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great, and you're more tired because you have Maxi...and Kooky. ;)
Big HUGS to you, mama. Hang in there and rest as much as you can.

renae said...

Hello Heidi! I love seeing the comparison photos. Just do me a favor and don't do a bare belly shot. Those are grossssss! I don't want to see a stretched out navel, icccky. Does that bug you like it does me? Every where you turn these days you see a bare prego belly; news, weather and sports. hahahaha.

I didn't know Mary's blog was gone. I don't think she even knew. But I sent her a text about it. She probably didn't renew it. Wow, that was something we needed to know. Thank you. She probably lost all of her past posts and even her domain name. Dang it.

Take care sweet Heidi and give M and S hugs from Aunty Nae. hahahahaha.

Palomasea said...

First of all, you are a beautiful Mama! :)
Taking care of a little one is hard work... :)
Lots of pampering is in order! :)
Take care of yourself, sweet friend...

Deborah said...

You look and ARE beautiful!
Oh is going so fast...I'll bet Maximus cant wait!!!!
Bless you sweet friend!

All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoox

Kelly said...

You look great! I know that I was more tired the second pregnancy because I was running after another little one! I think that's really normal.