Monday, September 2, 2013

4 Weeks


(And that's just what I did when typing that word). This guy is keeping us tired around here, but he is totally worth it. I would say he's still a pretty good sleeper, waking up every 3 hours on average. But, when you're sharing a room with your baby, he's sure to wake both you and your husband up at night.

When I was pregnant with Santino, I noticed that he was the most active a couple hours after dinner with his kicks and movements. Outside the womb, he tends to be the same. Sometimes it can take around two hours to feed, change, burp, rock, walk, bounce, sing and dance with him before he goes back to sleep.

Santino loves to eat and I'm starting to notice that he's putting on some weight. That's part of the reason I love these weekly snaps of him, because you don't always notice the subtle changes day to day.

Both Rob and I are so grateful for people who have helped us out. Last week, my Mom went to the store for us, came over and did some laundry and helped out around the house. On Friday, I had a dear friend, Julie stop by in the morning. She brought over food that she made for us: chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn on the cob, chocolate chip cookies as well as pumpkin cream cheese muffins! She was a godsend to us. We had so much food, that it lasted three dinners. Plus, the leftovers tasted just as good, if not better each time we gobbled them up. Maximus especially enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies!!!

It is hard to believe that September is already here. Where has this year gone? It will be Christmas before you know it. How exciting!!!

Hope your week is off to a good start.

Happy day!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Such a darling photo of Santino yawning -sounds like he is doing really well. The first few months can be tiring especially with lack of sleep for you. Great that you have your mother and friends helping out with shopping and cooking.

Happy week

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Isn't it amazing that the habits start to form on the inside, continuing on on the outside? WONDER AND AMAZEMENT is this life. HI HEIDI! Off to school I go...Anita

Anonymous said...

What a special time for all of you, my friend. Enjoy it all. Santino is adorable.

renae said...

hi Heidi!~ It is so fun to read the updates on Santino. It is like remembering those stages when my 1dd was a wee one. Thank you for sharing these phases with us. Babies are so darling and so dependent upon us silly adults. I love how you are such a grand example of womanhood and motherhood!!!!!!! ♥

and ... thanks for getting my humor or a "broken or weird necklace" hahahahaha