Wednesday, August 3, 2011


What's better than the sound of sweet, innocent laughter?
Here's a video I took a few weeks ago of Maximus. I used my cell phone, so the quality isn't that great.

Next time, I need to turn the camera the other direction so you don't get a kink in your neck from watching it.

"An onion can make people cry
but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh."
Will Rogers

Happy day!


coolbreeze (a.k.a. Rob the Husband) said...

He is so you...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Heidi....he is just ADORABLE!!! THAT SQUEAK!!!! Have fun dear one! Anita

Sam W. said...

the most precious sound ever!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeeehhhhhheeeee...I showed your blog to Ruben this morning and he had to agree that this is pure cuteness par excellence!!!!

Have a great day dearest! Anita

Dawne Boynton Polis said...

What an adorable child! This must be the happiest birthday ever for his daddy! And that picture at 25 weeks with the stars!11 I just want to scoop him right up!!! Thanks so much for your visit today!

"Create Beauty" said...

Is there anything more beautiful than a laughing baby?!?!?! (I think not!) Your little guy is so precious, what a gift from God.

Blessings and Beauty to you,