Friday, May 4, 2012

Hanging Out at Grandpa & Grandma LaLa's

Last weekend we visited Rob's parents. In the afternoon it started to warm up, so Maximus got to go in their backyard.

He is not real comfortable standing on grass. It's pretty funny to watch. He looked like a statue for a while until he got adjusted to it.

The fly swatter that he found in the house earlier kept him captivated for a good part of the day.

LaLa's gorgeous azaleas

Maximus likes Panda and wasn't afraid to pet her. He says "dah dah" for dog.

Beautifully manicured yard

He appears to be on a mission

Springtime in its glory

Tulips - one of my favorite flowers

Taking time to stop and smell the flowers

A place to rest

I was trying to take some photos of the three of us. This one turned out funny. Maximus was getting a little wild with the swatter.

It's already May and I'm always amazed at how time goes by so quickly. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Do you have any fun plans?

Happy day!


Martina said...

Oh, i love that age when toddlers begin to walk and sort of look like walking teddy-bears. So much for him to discover this spring Heidi! Have a fabulous weekend!

Moosic Mom said...

I love Lala's yard. She should be featured in Better Homes and Gardens! I mean it! Cute little Maximus on the grass. The fly swatter is such a simple toy for him. He loves things like that!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh sweet friend,

I LOVE HIS STATUE POSITION!!! I am chuckling are so happy and beautiful and may GOD BLESS YOU EACH DAY as this little boy becomes a young man....Anita

Luna said...

That is a sweet little garden. The azaleas are bloomin' gorgeous. The 'statue' was cute too :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

What a beautiful beautiful yard grandpa and grandma have!!!!! Oh Heidi dear, it is always so lovely to see your comments! HAVE A HUGE BLESSED DAY TODAY! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning PRECIOUS friend. Thank you again for your most WONDERFUL WORDS. You are truly special. Now off to school! ONLY 23 days left!!!!!!!!!! Anita

Ioana-Carmen said...

He`s so cute!!! :X