Monday, February 10, 2014

27 Weeks

Don't you love how babies can contort their bodies? They're like Gumby. A couple weeks ago Santino was even putting his toes in his mouth.
Here's the stats from his 6 month well check
Weight: 15 pounds 11 ounces (17th percentile)
Height: 26 ½"  long (45th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.13" (56th percentile)

He's not a huge baby, but to think that he's grown 7 ½" in length since birth seems like a lot, huh?

We discovered a day or two after he turned 6 months that he has a tooth coming in! It's the bottom left front tooth. When I'm feeding him baby food, lately he likes to bite down on the spoon. He's been using teething rings, which seem to help as well.

Not much new in the food department, but he did eat some chicken with sweet potatoes for the first time last week.

Today he sat up on his own a couple of times for about a minute before I needed to catch him from falling over. Another thing that he did today, was he kept grabbing my chin and turning it toward his face. I of course took the opportunity to give him kisses. Lucky for me, this boy loves to be kissed. He kept doing it over and over again. Eventually however he started grabbing my throat and pinching it. Ouch! haha...this boy has sharp fingernails too. Rob is the designated fingernail clipper expert for the boys. It seems like he's always trimming Santino's nails!

We had SNOW folks! Last Thursday it started. The ice came on Saturday and it just began melting yesterday. I was giddy like a little kid. We don't get much snow around here so it was kind of a big deal. Where we live I'm guessing we had about 6-8 inches. Santino liked watching the snow through the window. I didn't take him out in it, but I took some photos of him dressed in some winter garb. Maximus on the other hand went outside and we had fun together. I'll try and post some photos soon.

Hope you have a great week!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Heidi!

Santino is really getting big; how does KOOKY feel about him? Teeeehheee.....and what a wonder for the boys to see the snow. I hope Maximus had a chance to go out and play in it? He would have a field day out here....we still have mountains of it and lots of ice to skate on! The kids in the neighborhood play ice hockey in their yards and at night, it's a magical wonderland.

Wishing you a HAPPY DAY my friend, with those men of yours...

Martina said...

OMG - that is the sweetest picture of him ever! Pleas send him cuddles! And have a very happy Valentines week with your boys!

moosic mom said...

Precious! Yes, how about Kooky?

renae said...

Great stats on this little guy. Nice he loves to give kisses. That is the best part; when they kiss and hug and don't want to let go. And when they first say 'I LOVE YOU'. Awh, be still my heart. lol

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello smily boy!!!!!!

Heidi my pal! WE ARE on the same wave length; I was thinking about Kooky and when Santino was going to be introduced to him on you blog! You have great things brewing for us, I KNOW IT! It is another wickedly cold day here, and nobody wants to go outside.....but here I go!!!! LOVE!