Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snow Days

A couple weeks ago we got SNOW!

It was a big deal, because it was the first time that Maximus got to play in the snow. Unfortunately Rob was busy with work and had to travel a couple days after the storm started, so he didn't get a chance to play"in the snow with us.

For many of you, this is just a light dusting, but for where we live, it's considered a LOT!

Santino enjoyed the winter wonderland as well.
 Even though I didn't venture outside with him...
I still had fun dressing him in winter clothes.
Maximus had a ball!
And since he didn't have any gloves or mittens of his own, I made him wear mine...
...sometimes. haha
These gloves crack me up!


A little video
Happy day! 


renae said...

Awh, how fun and cute!

I love you and your fun spirit and friendship!

These photos are EXCELLENT, my friend. They make me laugh and laugh!!!!♥

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I just adore all the photos you share.. What beautiful images..
You should compile them a make a book.. I think it would be wonderful..

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I AM FINALLY HERE! I had to trudge through four feet of snow to get here!

Heidi dear, we got HIT so hard yesterday, right after school. The snow was coming down like gooey plaster! And this morning, school is delayed two hours,so I need to go out to shovel my way out; we have never seen this much snow and I need to take photos. Look at Maximus in the snow! HA! He would get lost in these mountains of snow drifts here, and the children here are going to have a BLAST getting buried in it!

That photo of Santino looking out of the window is absolutely gorgeous, Heidi. Make cards with it!

Thank you dear friend for coming by again; yes, I do believe not having many toys or even siblings as a child helped kick in my imagination and to this day, I laugh myself to sleep while thinking of scenarios for Tea Rat and Rattus!

HAVE A FUN DAY outside with the boys! Anita

Martina said...

That first image is so lovely! But they all are! So mucg fun in the snow - we haven't got any this year. Hope you have a lovely weekend - with mire snowmen!

moosic mom said...

Pure joy! And Santino looks so cute, too! You are such a fun Mom!

Red Rose Alley said...

It was such a delight to see and hear Maximus play in the snow! This is a lot of snow for me too, as I don't see it much where I live - how fun! The picture of Santino with the hat is so precious. That is a keeper. And you look so darling in these pictures, Heidi. Your smile is radiant, and you have the look of love for your sons.


Red Rose Alley said...

This is one of my favorite posts yet because the snow is so beautiful to me, and you are all enjoying it so much.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

How those boys just tickle my heart, HEIDI! I get tears in my eyes when I see that picture of Santino by the window...he just looks like...a little doll!

Thank you SO much my dear friend, for coming to visit my post. Yep, I was visited twice by an angel from NOWHERE, out of the blue, in the middle of moments where I felt alone. The woman in the black parka literally broke through the white of the snowy day and gracefully shoveled out the snow that had packed under my car. With now a bad back due to shoveling snow, I am unable to lift that much heavy snow. I was all alone, needed to get to school, stuck in a huge mountain of hard-packed snow and I cried. I said, "Lord, help me!" What happens? In a lonely place, I turn around and here is this woman. I just about fell over in shock.

The letter from the student also was a surprise; she is very shy and from my view point at the front of the class, I'd never think she was interested in what we do in class. Her letter was uplifting and again came to me at the right time.

How can anyone not believe in God and His angels? May the peace of God always flow from us, dear friend. Anita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I wish I were close enough to give them both a big hug!

Thank you Heidi, for your visit and most kind words.. I am so happy you enjoyed Bebe.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Such sweet photos of you all having fun in the snow.
Love the bright and happy little faces of your boys.

Happy week