Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A New Friend?

(BIG sigh) "I'm SO bored! I wish I had someone to play with right now. Hmmmm...I wonder when Maximus will wake up from his nap?"

(Santino hears a flutter of feathers)
"What was that noise?"

"Excuse me...but I couldn't help but overhear that you are bored."

"Bored isn't the word! My brother is taking a nap so I have nobody to play with."

"Well, I could keep you company until he wakes up. My name is Kooky Chicken...Maximus and I go waaaaay back."

" YOU'RE the famous Kooky Chicken? I've heard A LOT about you!"

"Hey Kooky...come over here for a minute!"

"Uhhhhh...Santino?! What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry Kooky! You said you're a chicken, right?"



moosic mom said...

Oh, Oh, Oh!!! That is sooooooo adorable. Kooky is back in town. You have such a huge imagination! What fun!!!!!! Thank you. Santino looks a little like Isaiah. You think?

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see Kooky again!!! :-)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, there's that kooky chicken. And now Santino will be his friend too. He is getting bigger every time I come and visit, Heidi.

Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you and the boys have a day filled with so much happiness and love.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

And the plot thickens.......

I am ready for a new round of STORIES HERE!!!!!!!

Shirley said...

Yea!! Kooky is back!

Palomasea said...

Oh, Heidi!!! You are so creative and hilarious!
I love Kooky, and it looks like he's in a little bit of trouble here!!! :))) Again!
Just caught up on your posts...a Very Happy Birthday to darling Maximus!!! HOORAY!!! :)

Here's to a fun-filled, love-filled Valentine's Day!
(To you too Kooky!) haha...
Hugs and love to you, sweet friend...
- Irina

coolbreeze (a.k.a. Rob the Husband) said...

Nothing like Isaiah....

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My goodness, that first picture just cracks me UP!

Heidi, GOOD MORNING! Have a super special Valentine's Day my precious friend! Sending you love and fond regards! Anita

Palomasea said...

Happy Valentine's Day, dear friends! (And boys!)...and chickens...hee...
Thank you so much, Heidi, for your visit!
And I think I've figured out why this year you're not so much into the can that compete with the two superstar kiddos who keep you entertained every day? :)))
Hugs to you!
- Irina

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

How cute is this! Oh Heidi, he is so sweet, what fun this was.
Happy Valentine's dear friend, thank you so much for visiting and your sweet note.

renae said...


It is all because of the wonderful chicken and Anita's Paris Party that started off our wonderful friendship, Ms. Heidi! We love Kooky Chicken!!!!!

I even loved seeing Santino and Kooky making a great post! You go Santino! hahahahaha

Yes, those Steve Maddens are sooooooooooo coooooooooooool! and for only $8! They are regularly $100 shoes and they feel like it, too. They are so comfortable, they are.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY {whew it is almost over} I love you everyday and any day, too! ♥