Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Turn on the Light

Life is SO good for me right now...I really can't complain.

I know that...

We all experience days, or even sometimes seasons, where it seems everything around us is going wrong. Thoughts can flood our minds and cause us to feel overwhelmed, putting us in a state of utter dismay, sending us right into a tailspin. Just remember that you're not alone. The power is right there...all you need to do is get plugged in, or turn on the lamp (the Bible). It's the most powerful book in the world. And also remember...this is only temporary.

Don't EVER give up.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Happy day!


Moosic Mom said...

Very inspiring. Thank you, Heidi. Especially now, almost summer, and having so many "dark" days outside. But when the sun peaks through the clouds and the rain takes a vacation, we hardly remember the dark, gloomy times. But, Jesus is the Light of the world, so He is always in our hearts, so when the gloom hits me, I need to "Turn on the Light."

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
I needed to hear that.

Shirley said...

Love.that.picture!!! Beautiful! Good words, too, girly - Love you!

terry said...

hi, heidi ~
thank you for this inspirational post.
* i am happy that your life is good!

* you are so right... everything that is painful is temporary and God helps us through it.

* and, of course, this entire life is only temporary... just passing through and being the best we can until we get to our forever lives.

i wish you a day of sunshine.
xoxo, terry

Run26.2Mom said...

Inspirational post. Thank you :)