Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let me Introduce You...

I enjoyed another walk at the pond last Saturday. I've been seeing all sorts of interesting creatures over there. You remember the Great Blue Heron that I posted the other day? Well, here are some more friends I'd like to introduce you to...

I think I know why the ducks (thank you, Shirley) crossed the (sidewalk)!
It was so they could get to the restaurant on the other side.

Cute little turtle sitting on a rock.

I met a nice gal that had moved out here recently from Illinois. Her English Mastiff was drinking from the water and slobbering all over. Seemed like a really sweet dog. I can't wait until the weather cooperates, so I can go back to the pond again.

For the Scriptures say,
“If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies."
1 Peter 3:10

Happy day!


terry said...

hi, heidi ~

hee hee! those geese sure are cute and that was so funny about them crossing to get to the restaurant! smart geese!

love the turtle!
he sure knows how to take it easy...
wish we could do more of that in life.

and the english mastiff... what a cute expression he has on his face.

seems like you had a very nice walk at the pond. thanks so much for sharing your pictures of some sweet creatures!

hope your day is a terrific one!
xoxo, terry

P.S. i am making brownies today because you have convinced me that ( ahem...) God did make the cocoa bean... therfore... you-know-the-rest...
thank you so much for helping me find a small glimmer of hope that brownies might be okay on my eating plan! =) it is okay if it is stretching a little bit. or even a lot.
i am just happy to make brownies!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I think the animals need names.

The ducks: Huey, Dewey and Louie (or however you spell those names.)

The turtle: Myrtle (of course)

The dog: Jake (okay maybe he already has a name, but he looks like Jake to me)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this is so funny...

The word verification at the bottom of this comment field is:

No joke!
Maybe God is telling me to pray for her.

Shirley said...

Sweet thang - them are ducks :)
LOVE the mastiff - I can just imagine you saying "oh - nice doggy" :)
Seriously - thanks for sharing your glimpse at God's creation - the pictures are great!

hi-d said...

terry - You are way too funny! Now you're going to be making me think of brownies. haha! Well, I guess everything in moderation. I hope they are good!

Dawn - Those are great names! Love them! That is interesting about the word verification being "trisha." I actually saw her today, for just a bit.

Shirley - AHHHH!!! Shucks...I thought I had classified those birds correctly. ha ha...thanks! I changed it to ducks. Oh, and I wasn't even scared of that dog. You would have been proud of me. For some reason it just seemed so friendly...probably because I can relate to the drool! :)

Anonymous said...

I love ducks! We have them at my house and they come right up to our back deck and let us feed them. So cute!

hi-d said...

That is so cool to have them right in your back yard. I wanna see some pictures. :)

Katie said...

Love those ducks and turtle. ; ) Reminds me of Reese's garden.

Thanks for sharing, Hi-d!d

Run26.2Mom said...

Looks like a peaceful and eventful place to stroll.
Hope the weather is cooperating again!