Monday, March 3, 2014

30 Weeks

Last Saturday, I started this guy on a baby boot camp, of sorts, trying to train him to sleep in his bed. No more swing, sleeping in our bed, or car rides, until he can sleep on his own. It's been tough at times...I hate hearing him cry! Let's hope by next week, we will have a successful report that he's taken a liking to his bed.
On top of that, he's been teething and has a cold. Poor guy! Or I should say, poor Mama! haha. He still manages to smile and laugh though when he's awake.
Besides that, he has been quite mobile. If he sees something out of reach and wants it, he'll go get it. It's more of an army crawl that he does at this point, but we have seen him take a couple of crawling strides on his hands and knees. The other day, he literally looked like a bunny rabbit, hopping with both knees off the ground. He's strong and determined. We'll see him in a push up position...almost looking like he's going to stand up! It's just a matter of time before he's able to sit up from a horizontal position and crawl like mad!
Here's a picture of him in action...See what I'm talking about? Looks like he's doing some serious stretching or getting ready to STAND!
I mentioned the teething thing. Well, he loves chewing on a cold, damp wash cloth. I also discovered online that celery sticks are good for teething babies, so I've been letting him gnaw on those. You just have to make sure they don't bite off a chunk of the celery. Apparently, celery has all sorts of amazing benefits, one of them being a natural pain killer. Cool, huh? If you're interested in learning more, just google the benefits of celery.
A few days ago I noticed S clapping. He'll do it sometimes when he's holding a toy in his hands. I was so excited to see him do this. Him and I went back and forth exchanging claps for several minutes.
It's fun when we hold him, because sometimes he likes to pat us on the back or shoulder, as it he's giving us an attaboy!
One of my favorite things to watch, is Rob coming home after a long, hard day, and playing with Santino & Maximus. It warms my heart to see them all lying on the floor and having fun together.
I know these weekly posts can sometimes be a little long and detailed, but it's also my way to keep track of his progress and growth. So if you're still reading this, bless you!
Speaking of progress and growth...I REALLY need to do a post about Maximus. Soon, I hope! He says some really funny and clever things and I'd love to share them with you.
Have a good week everyone!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WHOAH! He looks as if he will be on his feet in days! What hilarious fun you must have, keeping up with these two! How is Mr. M.?

Shirley said...

Girl - I never get tired of reading these!! Love, love, love hearing how they are progressing.
Boy - he is strong!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Heidi! Santino looks like he is doing a push up in the one photo.
He is such a doll. Yes, need to see Max!

Oh your excitement was just what I needed this morning!!!! Thank you so much for your praise Heidi!
blessings dear friend,

moosic mom said...

Thanks for the it all. Oh he is a doll. Good job, Mommy!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, Santino's trying to crawl. This picture is so funny - he DOES look like a bunny cute. So sorry he has a cold right now. I have got one myself with ears clogged up, feeling awful. Sending Santino big hugs and hope he feels better soon.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HEIDI! hahahahahha....I see that you went to Nowhere and witnessed Tea Rat's escapades while Rattus was in hospital (while Penny was making him!)

Oh the fun we have had and that Penny has the ability to capture your drawings. Sending you big hugs on this chilly March day! Anita

renae said...

Such a cute cute baby boy. I love his little curled tongue. Best of luck and success in getting him to sleep in his bed. My oldest grandie was a challenge in that regard, too. All the others have been great nappers.

Well tomorrow is my day to see the two doctors; onco and surgeon and see what they have to tell me. I want to know NOW so badly! I have to get this crap out of me and soon.

Take care my sweet friend and hug those baby boys for me!!!! ♥