Thursday, March 6, 2014

Still Shredding

Before Maximus could even walk, he would crawl over to our paper shredder, pull himself up and attempt to shred a piece of paper. Early on, we discovered this dangerous obsession of his and took measures to keep him from harming himself. At first we started turning the shredder off when not in use, then we unplugged it. And finally, when he got smart and tried to plug the cord into the outlet, we moved the shredder downstairs into a closet. 
M on his 1st birthday - really wanting to shred!
Today, when I asked M if he wanted to help me shred some paper, he jumped at the chance and insisted on carrying the bag of paper that needed to be shredded downstairs.
He's been helping us with this task (supervised of course) for quite some time now.
In the closet were some toys that he hadn't played with in a while. So naturally, when he saw them, he wanted to take them ALL upstairs.
The lawn mower was one of the toys he discovered. My parents gave this to him a long time ago.
After carrying it upstairs by himself, he returned with the lawn mower, now wearing a hat.
M:  I'm going to lawn mower, mama.
Me:  You're going to cut the grass? You can pretend.
M:  No
M:  No, I'm going to lawn mower...because it's dirty.
Here's another funny thing he said today when I got him up from his afternoon nap. We have a space heater in his room that sits on top of his dresser. Occasionally an orange light will come on. When this happens, he'll always asks us why it lights up.
The light came on today.
M:  I like the orange light. Does it come on when it's stinky? (he was referring to his stinky room)
In other news...I'm on day 6 of sleep training for Santino and things are going well. It's been challenging at times, but I feel like I've got this under control. Santino has been sleeping in his bed since Saturday and overall he's sleeping MUCH better. Yay, Yay, Yay!
And on that note, I'm off to bed myself.
 Video of Santino on the move
Happy Weekend everyone!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

That Mr. M. is going to be one MAN ON THE MOVE! Again, whether he is a landscape artist or mechanic, husband or chef, this guy is going to be a GOOD ONE! Look at his intensity!!!!!!

This is a happy Friday post if ever I saw one. Love and blessings to you, Heidi! Anita

moosic mom said...

Sweet boys!!!!!!! Sweet Mama!!!!!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

You have a great little helper there and good to see he is keen to do some jobs around the house.
Yes, you have two sweet little boys.

happy weekend

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

He is growing up so fast Heidi!
Your two little men are wonders!

Tea Rat is playing again in Nowhere. Come join the fun when you can
love and blessings dear friend,