Monday, March 10, 2014

Stay Tuned...Your Regularly Scheduled Program will Return Tomorrow

The boys playing together

Santino's Weekly post will be "broadcast" tomorrow. But in the meantime...I took this video today of Santino. He's almost crawling & walking at the same time. Or shall we say, "crawlking?"

In other news, Rob was gone last week on a business trip and got home late Friday night. He was so sick and stayed in bed all weekend. He's slowly getting better. Sleep training has been rough at times. I'm hoping for a tear free night.

Lately we've been talking to Maximus about the time and having him look at the clock. To encourage him to get ready for bed faster, we'll say for an example..."Okay, when the big hand gets on the five, then it's time to go to bed." It becomes almost like a game then. We try and get everything done before that time. I've found that it works well. It's cut way back on the stall tactics.

Tonight when I was getting M ready for bed I kept reminding him that we needed to hurry up.

Me:  We're running out of time. We need to go to bed soon. 
Maximus:  I don't have's coming over's coming in a little bit...I'm waiting for my time.

Well, your time is here Maximus...and I still hear you on the monitor. Go to sleep, sweet boy!

Night Night Everybody!

1 comment:

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You are getting yourself ready for the male are going to love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Heidi, how fun it is to see the boys grow up so quickly! And my wishes to Rob for a speedy recovery. Spring is coming and I can just see these boys out and about having a blast.

Much love to you! Anita