Monday, March 17, 2014

32 Weeks

I've been talking about Santino being on the move for a while now, but over this past week I can say he's now officially and consistently crawling on all fours. This baby is into everything!
He's always trying to open up drawers. He likes crawling towards Rob's computer and crawling over the bar that's on the floor of the baby gate, to get into the kitchen. He'll go under the dining room table & chairs and he likes to go into the bathroom.
He's been in the stage, for a while now, where anything and everything goes into his mouth. Santino really likes Maximus' house slippers. If they're laying on the floor and in his vicinity, he'll get them and put them in his mouth. And if Maximus is wearing them, Santino likes to chew on them. We have to keep an eye out for that. haha...
A few days ago I decided it was time to ditch the tub that we put Santino in to take a bath. It was getting too dangerous giving him a bath in it, since he would try and sit up in it and move around like a wild man. Now it's much easier just bathing him in the regular bathtub. Maximus enjoys helping me give Santino a bath. M will help by grabbing a wash cloth out of the drawer. He also enjoys when I fill up his water container so he can dump water in the tub (or onto Santino). Maximus is always eager to find Santino bath toys to play with as well.
Santino has a good appetite most days. A couple times last week he was eating much more than normal. He had about 4 - 5 Tbs. of dry oatmeal and/or rice cereal mixed with water, 14 - 16 oz. of baby food and I nurse him 4 - 5 times a day.
This last week he's doing better in the sleeping department. There's been about two or three nights where he's slept all the way through, (around 11 or 12 hours). Some nights, he'll wake up a time or two. Sometimes he'll be awake for only a few minutes...other times a couple hours. Last night he had a bit of a rough night.
Santino takes 2 - 3 naps a day. The majority of the time it's only two naps. Those are anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. Lately he has been averaging about 2 1/2 hours total in naps a day.
My life has become increasingly busy with these two boys. I have a hard time believing how fast they are growing. It's a lot of fun. And sometimes...not so fun. Yep! Sometimes it's tough. I lose my patience and get frustrated. But, despite all of that, it's so worth it. I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!
I am blessed!

1 comment:

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

This boy could be a poster baby! Look at that happy look! Oh my friend, you are blessed. Happy day!