Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Painter

The other day M said he wanted a paint shirt to paint in. I looked to see if I could find something of Rob's that he doesn't wear anymore. Rob, you don't wear this shirt anymore, right?
M also insisted on wearing this hat.
He loves his art easel that he got for Christmas from Rob's parents. It has a chalkboard, dry erase board, as well as clips to hold paper to paint.
I love this water color painting of his! He gave it to my parents the other day when they were over here.
Oh, and the shirt...Doesn't he look cute? I cut the sleeves off and trimmed some fabric off the hem.
He really gets into a zone when he's painting.
My little artist!
I have to share with you a story about Maximus today. We were sitting, eating lunch and M started coughing. He looked a little distressed as if he was choking. Next thing I know, he's losing his lunch. Sorry...TMI. But, I have a point to this story...
So, I got him out of his clothes and then the next thing I know, he's saying to me..."It's's no problem...I'll help you mama clean up the mess." I told him that it was okay - that I would clean it up. But since he was running around undressed, I asked him if he could go upstairs and get some undies and some jammies so I could put them on him. He was SO excited to help. He also let me know if I had a problem while he went upstairs, to let him know and he would come help me. This boy has such a kind & thoughtful heart!
Later I thought I should take his temperature just to make sure that he didn't have a fever. He's had a cold, like Santino for a while now, so I wanted to rule out that what happened wasn't a flu bug. M lies down and I grab the thermometer to take his temperature, under his arm. He raises his left arm and points to his armpit and says, "This arm has a fever. The other arm is doesn't have a fever."
By the way, the left arm was just fine. No fever there either.
I have so many other funny things he says that I want to share with you soon.


moosic mom said...

He is so articulate! He is beyond his age in maturity. He is funny, too. He gave us two pictures that day! For a three year old, he really has a strong artistic side to him.....both in painting and music! And his vocabulary, and thoughtfulness. And, he eats what you give him....and Mama really feeds him good, healthful food. Fun to watch him grow. God has blessed him with many gifts!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU have a Renaissance Man on your hands, Heidi! This guy, gardener extraordinaire, PAINTER, actor, Big Brother, HELPER, what else is this boy going to excel in? tehehehehehehehhe

What a good little helper he is. But of course, how can he go wrong with you to teach him by example. Oh the joys you bring, Heidi!

And thank you dear, dear friend, for coming to wish us a happy anniversary! IT'S TODAY! 32 years, can you believe that? I CAN'T! We went out to dinner last night because Ruben has to work Thursday evenings. But we shall continue to celebrate this weekend.

Thank you also for supporting Nowhere! I love that place....and Tea Rat may post on Saturday. He baked a special cake for me and Ruben, so you'll have to watch for it.

GOTTA RUN to teach, but it sure was a special moment to see Mr. M. at the easel!!!!!!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

OMG! These photos are priceless.
Tell Maximus I LOVE his painting.
Love and blessings dear friend!

Marianne said...

YES! Keep writing this and capturing these moments (vomit or no). They are all so precious and also so quickly forgotten in the hustle & bustle of life. Your son does have a wonderful heart, reminds me of my Daniel before he went into lawyer mode at age 5. ;)