Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cabinet - Before & After

I love Craigslist! Recently, I've found several good deals on there and I'll be showing you some of them in upcoming posts.

One of the things that we were in need of was a cabinet for our movies and place to set our TV. I scoured the ads of Craigslist and finally came across this cabinet with shelves. It was the perfect height and dimensions, but was pine. I really wanted something black. So, I bought it and decided to paint it.

Here are some before pictures.

I removed the shelves and all of the hardware. Then, proceeded to sand the inside and outside of the cabinet.

Next, I primed it and sanded it again.
I used Glidden's paint with low VOC's. There was barely any smell to it. I also used a small roller for the majority of this project, using a brush for the hard to reach areas. The brass hinges had to go...but it looked like finding something exactly the same in black, might be a bit of a I painted them. I found that it was easier to sand, prime and use spray paint. It gave a more even coverage than using a brush on these guys; however, I've had to do some touch up since then with a brush. 

So, here's the AFTER

I might have got a smoother/non-streaking finish if I had used a wax or varnish/sealer of some sorts; but overall, I'm pleased with how it turned out. Plus the added bonus, was that this would have cost about 3-4 times more if I would have bought it brand new. Gotta love a good deal!

Here's how it looks with our new 42" Plasma, with the rest of the audio/video equipment that Rob found. We were actually looking for a 32" for the bedroom, but Rob found this screaming deal. The price was the same or even cheaper than most 32" televisions. So for now, we have a nice big movie theater screen in our bedroom. haha...

Happy day!

check out my other blog @ Proverbs for Every Day


Ms. Emmy N said...

Wow! Great transformation!!

Design Apprentice said...

You did this pregnant? Super Mama!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Great job. And I like Craigs List too! It looks SO good. You feeling okay lately?

hi-d said...

Thanks, ladies.

Katie - yes, I did this a few weeks ago...pregnant and all. Nothing's stopping me! LOL...

Heidi - I am feeling good...the baby is good...ALL is good! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Now I'm inspired to paint my pine cabinet. Alas, I don't have those cool looking sawhorses your dad has.