Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coffee, Water, Milk, No Sugar, please...

We have one coffee pot in our home, so when it comes to making coffee, we make it according to the super strength that Rob likes and then I have to dilute it. He likes it dark, dark, dark, with a hint of milk and a very unhealthy dose of sugar!! I'm not kidding you, the way he drinks it makes you think it's oil.

So here's what I have to do each morning when I want to have a cup or two...

I grab my huge coffee cup, compliments of my Mother-in-law. Next, I pour just enough to cover the bottom of the cup, and then some. I know, this cup looks disgusting....I just rinse it out and use it over and's kind of stained, but don't worry, I'm the only one that drinks out of it. Oh, I do give it a good scrub occassionaly or run it through the dishwasher.
Let's back up...I wanted to see how much coffee I really use, so I measured it. WOW, this one is not even filling the measuring cup. So on average, I would say I use about 1/4 of a cup! Yep, that's it!

Then I add water...Oh, we have a PUR filter attached to the faucet. I love it. It takes out all of the chlorine and some of the other junk out of the water.

This is what it looks like after the water has been added.

Now comes the milk. I use about 1/4 - 1/3 cup...I didn't measure it though.

So, now that I've added the cold water and milk, the coffee is not warm. I could drink it this way, but typically I like to have warm-hot coffee, so in the microwave it goes.

1 minute, 45 seconds usually does the trick, unless I get distracted and forget about it.

Here it is getting nuked in the microwave...

All this for a perfect cup of coffee. Here is the color that I like - a light tan. Or, as Rob would say...."Would you like some coffee with that milk?" I repeat the process if needed.


Shirley said...

I love the progression of pictures :) Also, "repeat the whole process if needed". Today ... I needed it.

Anonymous said...

HAHA thats exactly how my coffee looks i have a friend that puts 6 creams and 6 sugers in a little cut of coffee now thats gross lol!

Anonymous said...

I loved all the pictures too!

Boy, I thought my husband used a lot of sugar in his coffee... but I think Rob's got him beat!

I just use a splash of half and half, and one spoonful of sugar. I used to buy the Coffeemate creamers (the liquid one's), but they were getting a bit spendy, so I'm back to half and half.

I was at Starbucks the other day, and all I wanted was a plain decaf coffee, nothing special. The lady told me they were out. Then she suggested an "Americano" or something like that. Can't remember the name now. But it sounded an awful lot like how you make your coffee every day. :-) Betcha didn't know you were such a hip-gal now did ya!

See you Saturday!