Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Ours was good...surrounded by family and lots of food and laughter. Here are a few (SEVERAL) pictures I thought I'd share with you.

Me & my cousins at a Family Christmas Party

LaLa's Tree...SO Beautiful! I took a trillion pictures of her ornaments

One example...love all the shiny, sparkly ornaments

And another...

And another...Sorry...I can't resist!


My Niece, her Boyfriend & Panda. Doesn't the dog look like she's winking?

Rob & his Dad showing off their gift cards...

I love this picture ~ Panda & Timmy hanging out with Rob's Dad

She got a new laptop...

My sister-in-law & me

My parents & me

Rob & one of my bro's

Oops...I accidently poked Rob in the eyeball...ha ha...sorry, it's not funny...well, it is (he's okay, by the way)

Some heart felt, gut wrenching laughter...

I think everyone was about in tears...ha ha

My other sister-in-law's Angel Display

Okay...I think that's it for now. I know I need to move on, but I'm leaving most of my decorations up until the New Year!

Happy day!

1 comment:

LaLa said...

I want to know what you were laughing at. I missed a good joke. Looks like lots of fun. Pretty, pretty pictures as always.