Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Squirrel & A Struggle

Ritchie the Squirrel, (or at least that's what we call about every squirrel we see on our back porch) has been coming around a lot lately. Yesterday I saw him, brazen as could be...trying to eat some bird seed or jump into one of my potted plants. I'm not sure what he was doing. I got out my camera to try and capture his mischievous behavior. He saw me taking these pictures through the window. I can't quite figure out if I like him or not. On one hand, he's kind of cute, but on the other hand, he's a little rat...ha ha...and I do NOT like rats! LOL... are some pictures....

But before you look at them I want to say how hard it is for me to post some of these. Okay...just bear with me for a minute. I don't tend to share a lot of my struggles or deep personal feelings on my blog. It's a very vulnerable place to be, but it's time to come clean. I know that some of you know this about me already, but one of my major battles in life is wanting to be perfect and wanting things to be perfect and situations, and EVERYTHING.

I know..."Hello??? Reality Check! Life is not perfect and neither am I." So, why do I try so hard? I mean, don't we all struggle with this to some extent? We might worry what people are going to think: will they judge us, not like us, make fun of us? All of these things go through my mind and sometimes not even it's easier to "pretend" that I have it all together, because what if people really knew how messed up I am?

Perfect example...these pictures. I took them and uploaded them to my computer. Oh, disgrace!!! Tsk, Tsk...what a mess! Look at the bird seed and the mud splattered flower pot...and the green algae on the porch...and the leaves in the flower pot (note: this part is intentional - I use it as a sort of mulch or insulation for the cold weather)...

Anyway...I look at these photos and think, oh man, why would I want to post those? People are going to think I'm a lazy slob. I should get out there and clean up that mess! Then I want to justify why it looks the way it I can say, it rains a lot...the birds make a mess, I live in Oregon, so we get a lot of green stuff growing everywhere...All of these things are true, but why do I even have to state this? I think it's because I don't want you to think any less of me or think I'm lazy, a slob, etc. etc. etc.

Really...does any of this matter? In the light of eternity and all of the things in the world that are so devastating? I know, I'm rambling on and on...but where do I draw that line between wanting things looking nice without crossing over to obsessive perfection?

Can anyone relate? I hope so...but then again, if you can't, that's okay...I am learning to accept my imperfections, because I know that ONLY God is perfect.

Phew...okay, now you may look...and if you think those things about me, that's okay...cause you know what? I am tired of wanting everyone's approval...(Really? Did I just say that? I don't want to sound callous...I just want to be who God wants me to be.)

I told you he was brazen...See how he's looking straight into the camera, as if he were saying, "Go ahead, try me."

Oh, of the dreaded, messy, ugly pictures...

I must confess, I will probably go out there and clean up the mess, cause it's REALLY bugging me!!! LOL...I know...I'm a bit strange...but I am fine with that. Really...

Happy day! Be kind to others and to yourself!


Shirley said...

Through the eyes of a child ... "there's a cute squirrel"! Somewhere along the line, when we 'mature', we lose sight of what is really important and start believing the lies. Good for you to show these to us - honestly, I would not even have noticed the "mess"!
God has us all on a journey together to support each other, encourage each other and to pray for each other. Those that are looking at our lives to judge us aren't worth worrying about! :)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Shirley! And if you think that that is a mess... then I should hide in shame! Silly girl... it's way too much work to try to make a good impression!!! Just impress us with your insides... Like you DO! And let God worry about what others think! I know, I know... easier said than done.
I had the same "condition" that you have until I almost ended up in the "Nut House" with a nervious breakdown. Seriously. It took awhile, but I learned that folks don't think about you (and your "mess")as much as ya think they might! And when I saw the pictures I said to myself..."WOW... her squirrels are red!!"
:0) Take it easy on yourself girl!
Perfection is what keeps us from living life to it's fullest.
And thank you for sharing your true insides! It makes me love you even more!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Life wouldn't be very interesting if we were all perfect right?

Anonymous said...

Girl get that power washer out there and clean that mess up. I know just how you feel!! Take it easy on yourself. We are all our own worst enemy. You are almost perfect to me especially when your dropping food all over yourself. You take it easy.

Amy said...

He is a brazen little guy isn't he. To tell you the truth I didn't see anything wrong in the pictures. I was thinking that's a cute deck and pot. I'm sure my deck and yard look a lot like yours. New England winter landscapes are only pretty in snow when it covers what's beneath. But relax and do what's important to you. We don't all have hours on end to make everything perfect like in the magazines.